A story where two high schoolers and a clueless hot principal try to win Minho's heart. In short, Minho is popular.
Published: March, 7th 2021
Finished: May, 31st 2021
After he bows to the principal, Jisung leaves the clinic, makes his way to the classroom direction in a quite hurried pace, only for him to stumble over his own feet and run into another student in the process.
Well, it will be better if it's someone he doesn't know. It'll be awkward, but he just needs to apologize and move on. But here he is. As classic as it sounds, he accidentally lunges himself at Hyunjin.
He expects the older to let out a cocky remark about how clumsy he is. But the latter just dusts his uniform and walks away as if nothing happened.
Frankly speaking, Hyunjin originally plans to scold the younger for being so clumsy, until he realizes Jisung is coming from the school clinic direction. So he swallows the remark and runs away with it.
But then a tiny hand holds his wrist, successfully makes him pause his steps. He is taken aback at that. Not in a bad way, though.
Jisung, on the other hand, does not say anything, just pulls the older by his hand to the back of the school. And Hyunjin, without uttering a single complaint, just follows the squirrel like boy.
"Why do you keep avoiding me?"
"Why? Miss me?" The taller asks with a cocky grin plasters on his lips.
"N-no! Why should I?" He stutters, his mind suddenly activating its defensive mode aka refusing to admit he does miss the other. But he goes too hard with that.
"In fact, thanks to you! I've won Minho hyung's heart now!"
Hyunjin's expression instantly shows a hurtful look before he masks it with his stoned face rather fast.
"Good for you then." He states then leave the squirrel like boy alone.
"Ah I'm so... Why the hell did I say that?!" Jisung mentally slaps himself. He instinctively punches the wall several times due to frustration.
Carefully knock on the door, he waits for it to be opened, revealing Minho with swollen lips and tousled hair. He doesn't like to disturb the older's moment, but he really needs help.
The school doctor looks at the small human being in front of him with annoyance (at first), until he sees fresh blood rolls down the younger's knuckles.
"What happened??" A wary tone laces within his voice. He then pushes Jisung inside and makes him sit on the couch next to Chan.
"Did you fight with someone?" The principal curiously asks.
But their questions aren't answered. The squirrel like boy seems to be in trance. He doesn't even flinch when the slightly cut skin is being treated.
"Did you have a fight with Hyunjin?" Chan once again asks, but in a softer tone now.
It takes Jisung a single mention of certain name to eventually react.
"Where is he now? Did he get injuries too?" The school doctor adds.
Jisung shakes his head to the side. When he realizes Minho--who is crouching in front of him--has finished treating his wounds, he lunges himself to the older's lap.
"I'm such a fool, hyung!"
513 words | happy 4419 🦋
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