Chapter 31

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It's break time now. Students who don't bring their own lunch have flooded the huge cafeteria to feed their hungry tummy. But again, food seems to not become Jisung's priority since the past week.

"Why don't we just go there and join their table?" Jeongin asks.

"What?! No! I'm scared he still hates me after what happened."

"Trust me, he doesn't. So.. wanna go there?


Jeongin sighs. "Stubborn dumb squirrel."



When the last bell chimes, signaling the students can finally go home, Felix makes his way to Jisung's table.

"Hi, Jisung."


"Just now Minho hyung texted me. He said he needs you to go to the school clinic."

"Oh.. okay?" He smiles. "Thanks for telling me." Then immediately tidy up his stuffs.

"I think it's not gonna be long. Can you wait-"

"Absolutely not. I have a date with Heejin noona~" Jeongin interrupts, already making his way to the door.

"But you said you didn't have plan!" He shouts, but his best friend doesn't even spare him another glance, happily exits the room. "Ugh.. I hate couples."

After making sure none of his stuffs is left behind, he walks to the school clinic, leaving some soft knock on the wooden door.

"Oh you're finally here." Minho grins. "Come in."

Jisung doesn't have time to even utter a word since the school doctor pushes him toward something, or rather someone, before a small click of door being locked is heard.

"H-hyunjin?" He gets panicked, immediately creating some space between them.

He may be a little dumb, but he can comprehend, connecting the dots fairly quick.

"They set us up, don't they?"

"Ahh actually.. I ask for their help. But if you don't want to be here with me then I'll call-"

"NO!" The younger unknowingly shouts. "I-I mean you don't have to... Uh what is this?" He motions to the table that is full of meals, intentionally changing the topic.

Hyunjin rubs his neck, nervous. "Um.. Jeongin said you're probably hungry because you didn't eat properly during lunch so.."

A tiny smile appears on the younger's lips. "He's right. I'm hungry. Um.. let's eat then?"

The older who previously sits on the opposite side decides to take a spot next to the smaller boy, making the latter mentally squeals. He's absolutely jittery, but he'll be lying if he says he doesn't like it.

"Your knuckles are fine now.. I guess?"

Jisung chuckles. "They are... Why? Do you want to feed me?"

The taller coughs, not expecting to get such response.

"Well.. can I?"

The younger giggles, nods his head adorably. With that, the taller complies, making sure to only feed the squirrel with the dish he prefers.

"Did you prepare all of this?"

"Well, I wish. Mr. Bang and Minho hyung were actually the one who helped me with this."

"Wah.. you guys really planned this behind my back, huh? Including Jeongin too, I think?"

Hyunjin nods. "You aren't mad, right?"

"Hm? Why am I? I mean, thanks to them we can finally talk." He sheepishly smiles. "I honestly want to talk with you and.. probably ask about.. you know." He blushes. "But I don't even know how to approach you. And I was afraid to find out you were mad at me. I mean, the last time we talked, I asked you to leave when you've been so nice to me."

The taller places his fingers on Jisung's chin, subtly forcing him to look at him in the eyes. "I wasn't mad, not at all. I was kind of.. disappointed that it didn't happen. But that beside the point, recalling our past, I understood why you did that and I want to apologize for hurting you back then. I'll make up for it. You have my words."

"Mm." Jisung nods. "It's okay. I've forgiven you already."

"Thank you." He smiles. "And um.. about the kiss..."

The younger becomes tense, eyelids fluttering fast as he cannot keep making eye contact with the taller.

"You've probably heard about me confessing. And I promise you it wasn't just an act... I truly like you, Jisung." He finally releases the air he has been holding, moving his fingers that are previously on Jisung's chin to hold the latter's tinier hand.

The younger steals a glance to their hands, lips curl into a happy genuine smile at the little action and sudden love confession.

Meeting the older's beautiful irises once more, he replies, "I like you too."


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