Fatherly Advice

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"Are you sure this is the only way?" I ask looking between the three of them. It was just Atlas, Ben, and Ash left in the room with me as they went over the plan they've created. I knew everyone had things that needed to get done and it took a lot of persuasion to get them all to leave. The past hour we've gone over the plan in detail. It didn't seem too complex. I would travel to Limbo and together my Mother and I would preform a spell that would be able to bring us both back. It took awhile for Atlas to find the spell because of how rare it was, it can only be performed by the strongest of witches and Ben has been helping to collect the elements required to preform the spell.

"If you don't bring her back. There will be no one strong enough to stop Donovan from destroying everything in his path." Ben sighed. He was tired, I could see it on his face. Me questioning him for the past hour hasn't done him much good but I need to know that what we were planing to do was the right thing.

"I don't mean to question your decisions, I just..." I tried to find the words to vocalize my concerns. "what we're planing has a lot of risk factored into it."

"Trust me Sweetheart, if there was any other way, and I've look, for us to get your mother back we would be doing it. I believe in you, we all do. I just need you to believe in yourself and trust your abilities." The emotions in Ash's eyes held me captive. His pure love and adoration pouring out of him and it had me believing his words.

"Ok." I agree looking between Atlas and Ben. "When do we do this?"

"Tomorrow, as long as you have the spell down. You should do this as soon as possible. At dawn would be best, it's when nature's energy is at it's peak." Altas supplied his reasoning "That give you two day before the war begins. Traveling between realms takes time and even how fast time passes in Limbo is different than here. So hopefully those two days is good enough."

"It'll have to be. It's not common to travel between living and dead but rumor has it one minute in the under would is about half an hour in our world." Ben added, a hand running through his perfectly made hair. It was a small thing that I've notice Axel do as well and I wonder if that was where he got it from. I had a feeling the stereotypical emotionless vampire wasn't to far off from Ben when dealing with business, but this was personal to him. It was obvious he was stressing and although I didn't know much about Axel and his dad's relationship I could tell they weren't close like a father and son should be. Even still the resemblances were there and the more I got to see Ben the more I saw they had in common. It's a shame that they didn't get along. I knew Axel and his brother were close but the distance between father and son had to be part of the strain Ben was feeling in this situation.

"Ok well if you don't have any other concerns than I think that's all we need to talk about." Ben broke my train of thought as he stood from the table we were sitting around.

"Yep." I agree not letting my thoughts get to me. I reached out to shake Atlas' hand "thank you for stopping by. It was a pleasure to finally meet you."

He returned my pleasantries and Ash volunteered to show him out. Luckily leaving me and Ben alone for a few minutes.

"Ben would you like to have a cup of coffee with me on the back porch?" It's was the smoothest transition I could come up with and based off the heavy sigh before his solemn nod it wasn't very good.

By the time we were both sitting in the patio chairs his fidgeting had become completely obvious. I was starting to worry that there was something that I was missing.

"Are you alight?" I asked him

He jumped at the sound of my voice and it had me even more complexed. "I'm fine, maybe a little jumpy from the coffee." His laugher was forced and we both knew it.

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