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After Roan got me signed up in the tournament he came back over with the same weary expression he left with a few minutes ago to sign me up.

"They put you in the middle of the bracket so you don't have to go against anyone to hard at first." He says I nod stretching to get warmed up. "The rules are you're always to shift as long as you remain in control of your wolf, same with demons can shapeshift as long as they don't lose control, vampires can't use compulsion, and witches can uses their primary but no other spells. Battles go until the judges stop the fight by ring the bell or the opponent surrenders. Any questions?" He asks. When I shook my head no he hands me a pair of workout clothes to change into.

I quickly went to the locker room got changed then went back over to Roan. I'm excited I haven't gotten a chance to even spar with anyone since I to Washington "Who am I fighting first?" I ask following the crowd out of the building.

"Walter, he's sixteen and only shifted a two months ago." He says pointing to a skinny kid with short hair and a few inches taller than me. He won't shift unless he has to, and's to scared to attack first. I love the power to super analysis people.

"How many are in the tournament?" I ask watching how the man moves.

"Thirty two, you need to win four battles to get to the final." He replies looking around the crowd.

"Who do I have to worry about?" I ask scanning the rest of the circle that has formed.

"Zac is the best scout we have." he says pointing to a strong man about my age, a werewolf, extremely fast and with be easy to take down right after he attacks when he leaves himself open. "Nathan's the most talented warlock I've ever meet." He says nodding towards a twenty year old red head, fire primary. He's short tempered, getting the first few hits with make his form sloppy. "And then there's Henry..." A strong looking man, twenty one and very intimidating. It takes me a moment to put it together.

"He's a hybrid?" I ask still unsure.

"Yeah" Roan replies with a chuckle. "Vampire and witch." He definitely has good form and doesn't let his emotions get in the way of his fighting. "If your looking for a flaw good luck." He says with a sigh. I finally look over at Roan with a curious expression "He's my daughter's mate, but he's five years older than her."

I nod, understanding where his coming from. Henry wants to move faster with Ronan's daughter than Roan would like. Maybe if I can dodge his first few hits and extend the fight out he might get frustrated or worn out.

The fighting began not long after. I easily took down my first two opponents. Both of them surrendered before the judges call the match. I don't blame them the judges usually don't call the fight until someone has a broken bone or something dislocated. I have a feeling though that from now on no one's going to be surrendering. My next fight is against Nathan.

We step into the circle, shaking hands in the middle the taking a few steps back. The judge rings the bell to start the fight. We circle each other. I wait for him to attack first so I can counter the attack. After a few seconds he gets tired of waiting and created two balls of flames in his hands. I use my own powers to pull all the air from the area around his hands making the flames go out. The shock of his lose of power was the opening I used to attack, jabbing and throwing a few hooks until I'm about to dislocate his shoulder. The judge calls the fight and I help Nathan up before going back to the perimeter of the circle.

Henry went next, easily beating his opponent, then it was Zac's turn. During Zac's fight I couldn't help but notice a very pissed looking teenage girl running up to Henry. I figured it was Roan's daughter. I couldn't hear their argument, but I could tell she didn't want him fighting. She poked a finger into his right side he flinched away holding his side. They resolved their argument but I knew where I should target if we have to fight.

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