Early Morning Meeting

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I was awake when it started but I didn't want to accept that the day was already starting. The insufferable pounding on the door is what began the day. The room was still dark and the heavy arm immobilizing me notified me just how early it was. The boys planned to leave at six in the morning and Arron hasn't even started thinking about getting up.

The banging only seemed to intensify. Finally, I attempt to roll out of bed but the log next to me only pulls me closer. From the light snore, I can tell he's still asleep. Running my fingertips over his arm I coo. "I can't fall back asleep with all the noise I'll be right back..." Slowly detangling myself from the loosening death grip he had on me, I shuffle to the pounding door. Who has there panties in a twist this early in the morning?

Opening the door I try to rub the sleep from my eyes not giving heed to who was at the door  "What?" I bark.

The pale lanky man standing in front of me looked unbothered by the unwanted early wake-up call. "The king has required an audience with Lady Kelsie before the visiting Alpha's departure today in his office at the earliest convenience." The message was robotic as if this was his only job; to deliver messages all day.

"Earliest convenience? What time is it?" I mutter rubbing my face in an endeavor to wake myself up.

"It's four in the morning Miss." He reports. Why the hell is he so awake? His freshly pressed shirt flawless, without a single wrinkle and his tie look perfectly done. The black dress shoes he donned were without a scuff. Was he up the boss's ass or what?

"Five," I state struggling not to explode on this man. His perplexed look made me continue. "Five in the morning, that is the earliest convenience." Who in their right mind thinks four in the morning is an acceptable time to pound on someone's door! I wanted to scream at this guy.

He shrunk away from the death glare I was giving him but still managed to sneer. "The king is quite upset and requested to speak with Lady Rush at her earliest indulgence. Is this going to be a problem?" The chip way he spoke had me ready to fling him across the room. The only thing stopping me was how he would react to my next comment.

"Well, I Lady Kelsie will be sure to grace the king with my presence as soon as possible." My sickly sweet smile grew as the man registered what I said.

His once pale complexion now looked as white as a sheet. "My apologies, m'lady. I did not know with whom I spoke." I'm so dead. Shit, this girl could beat Henry in a fight, I'm dead meat.

He looks about ready to piss his pants and finally lose my facade and crack a smirk. Guess news traveled fast about my win yesterday. Deciding on using this as leverage I offer him a deal. "Listen, I'll offer you a deal. I won't tell the king the shit way you just talked to his daughter" From his shocked express I knew he would refuse my offer now that he know who I am. "and you answer two questions." His eager nod would have been comical if it wasn't so dam early. "Good. So what's everyone saying about me?" So maybe the question sounded a little self-center. I wanted to know... and maybe stroke my ego just a little.

For the first time, the man in front of me didn't look like a robot. His shoulders bounced slightly in a silent chuckle. "Well, the mystery women as some say showed up out of nowhere. Was able to join the exclusive combat tournament and win without even giving a last name. Then manage to befriend her conquered and the king himself. And later be seen as the proper Luna to a well-respected Alpha and pack."

"Yeah, but what do they think about me?" I probe looking for more insight.

"Well, it depends on who you ask..." His once relaxed demeanor now tense. "Some think of you as the perfect ally: a warrior and a diplomat. However, some... mostly the male elders of the pack see you as the demise of their traditions. They were rather unsettled with you not finishing the fight." He shrugs, not grasping the tradition most strong wolves are to never demonstrate mercy. It was a dumb tradition especially for an event such as the one I partook in.

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