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"No way in fucking hell!" Someone shouts as I started up my bike. I turn to the school to see one pissed off looking werewolf. "No!"

"What are you talking about?" I ask as he makes his way over to us.

"You're not riding this." Arron states shaking in rage, trying to control himself from shifting. "You'll kill yourself!"

I try to suppress my eye roll, well at least I tried "I didn't ask for your permission. Besides, you gave up your influence on me when you won't accept me for who I am." He flinched at what I say, and for a second I feel bad for getting mad at him.

Well that didn't last long, because he screams at me "I'm an alpha! You will listen to me, now get off that bike." He says his voice dripping in authority.

Did he just uses his alpha voice on me? "No! And don't you ever use that fucking tone on me again." I give him the scariest glare I can before peeling out of the parking lot.

Axel and I are going to make a stop, but then we'll come straight to your place, ok Sweetheart? Ash tells me through my thoughts.

Alright see you in a little bit I say smiling. Goddess I'm luck to have those two boys that accept who I am.

I pull into my driveway. Mom's car is here, she must be back for her business trip. I walk in to the smell of my favorite food. Mom's homemade Mac and cheese casserole!

"Hey Honey! How was your day at school?" She asks, making the final touches to the cupcakes she's frosting.

"It started off really good..." I huff, sit next to her. She gives me a pointed look to continue. "My powers are growing, I learned a few new things I can do, and I met one of my mates before lunch. We went out for lunch. He's great I really like him." I smile at the thought of Axel. "When we got back to school I met my third mate. He... he" The tears well up in my eyes.

Mom wrapped her arms around me "Its alright Honey. Take your time." She tells me rubbing my back. "Now, who is this boy?"

"Arron, he's the alpha of the pack" I tell Mom calming my sobs.

"David's son?" She asks "We'll just see what David has to say about this." She says walking to her phone.

"No! It's not that big-"

"It is. That boy made my daughter cry, and I'm going to make sure his dad knows about it!" She says dialing his number on her phone.

Once Mom was done talking to David she comes and sits next to me again "He's sorry for his son's behavior, he's going to talk to him. He also wants you to come over tomorrow morning around nine."

"Alright, thanks Mom." She hugs me one last time before I head upstairs.

My bed, how I've missed my bed. I lay down thinking of everything that's happened today. Everything was fine until I told Arron about what I am. What if he rejects me tomorrow? What if he makes me choose between them? What if I can't survive with his reject? What'll happen to Ash and Axel?

I didn't notice till now that I'm hyperventilating, my visions getting spotty. Just before I pass out I hear my door open "Kelsie!" I'm instantly wrapped in the warmest arms I've ever felt. I lean into the chest that's holding me. "We're right here Babygirl, right here."

"And we're not leaving Sweetheart" I hear Ash say as he brushes my hair with his fingers, ridding me of all my anxiety.

"Mhmm" I mumble. This feels nice both of them touching me. We could say like this for awhile. I close my eyes, basking in this feeling.

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