Old Friends

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I was sitting in one of the pack house's conference rooms waiting for everyone else to show up. The table was huge and could fit thirty people if necessary. It was around ten o'clock no one really stopped working for dinner. The day before after me and Axel got back from the garage was mad rush of getting everything around for Toni's men that arrived this morning. He even had extra men volunteer when the caught wind of a war to fight for the heir. Whether if it was for loyalty they held for their king or just trying to get on the royalty's good side I was thankful for the additional fighters.

I had four large pizzas in the middle of the table because I knew everyone must be starving. We were supposed to meet and finalize plans at dinner but the meeting kept getting pushed back till now.

I sat staring at the boxes. I wasn't hungry. I'm always hungry, but not now. I was tired, not physically, more mentally tired. I couldn't even think, I sat there in complete silence not even the thoughts in my head could break the silence that I was wrapped in.

Snapping out of the mind fog, I was beginning to get nervous that the meeting was postponed again but the door opened and Mason slumped his way to a seat, Levi and Dustin following him in the same manner.

"Goddess, I'm starving!" Levi mutter opening one of the pizza boxes and grabbing a few slices. He was savoring the greasy goodness when he looked over at me. "You okay sis?"

I was zoned out staring at the large clock on the wall. "No." I sighed squeezing my eyes closed. I wasn't okay. I wasn't even fine. Everything that's been happening was out of my control and I couldn't do anything about it.

But how do I explain to my brothers let alone my three mates that I don't want to fight. I would rather give up my claim to the throne or any title than have to go to war and risk innocent lives. They wouldn't understand that I'm not worth the trouble. I can barely take care of myself how in the world am I suppose to rule over three supernatural kingdoms.

"I called Fawn." The whisper wasn't intended for me but I heard it.

I my eyes popped open after hearing it. I gave Dustin a questioning look, when he didn't get my nonverbal question I said it out loud. "Why?"

He was startled by my question and hesitant to answer. "She's your friend and wants to help with the war." I knew he was lying through his teeth. Not about the part of her wanting to help or being my friend. No, he called her for a different reason.

"Did you guys make any progress?" I ask the two of them. Mason had fallen asleep the second he sat down his head laying of his folded arms on the table.

"We went over you plans, made a few minor tweaks. We can go over it together after the meeting quick in case there's any other changes that need to be made." Levi assures me.

I nod, not having the desire to give an involved response.

"Sis, do you need something?" The worry on Levi's normally happy go luck face was devastating. "Anything. Not just physical things. Literally anything?"

I didn't respond I couldn't. I squeeze my eyes shut. Pushing the heels of my hands into my tightly shut eyes. Blocking the tears stuck in my throat for even making my eyes water. "I... I don't know what's wrong with me. The closer the war gets the more and more I feel like something isn't right. Like we're missing something."

"I know what you mean." Dustin sighs "It feels like we're running in circles. Hopefully someone found something today."

We remain silent as we wait for everyone to show up. As the room begins to fill the quiet is replaced with small talk. What I wasn't expecting was Jack to be accompanying Aiden into the meeting.

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