Birthday Party

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Thirty minutes before my party. I would say everything's alright, but it feels more of like the calm before the storm. After leaving the pack house I changed in to my outfit for the party; it's a white knitted sweater with light washed jeans and pink studded earrings. Now I'm sitting at my bay window, trying to calm down before everyone shows up.

"Hey sis?" Levi said after knocking on my door. "Can we talk?" I nod and Levi and Dustin walk in sitting next to me.

"Listen we're sorry we kind of took over your birthday. We'll make it up to you, I promise." Dustin says grabbing my hand.

"You shouldn't be sorry about finding your mate. I'm happy for you two. I just... I want everything to be normal again, back before I knew everything about me, before I had to save the world, heck before we knew we had to move here!" I yell before letting a tear fall.

"We know Kels, it's been hard adjusting for all of us. You've been Levi's and my rock for too long. We're supposes to be your protectors, and we've been doing a shit job at it. We promise we'll get better. You're allowed to breakdown if you need to, it's not ok to hold all these emotions in." Dustin tells me, making me cry even harder. He wraps me up in a hug, placing me on his lap. "It's ok Kels let it all out." He tells me rubbing my back.

"We got you something." Levi tells me making me look up at him. He reaches behind him and pulls out the gift. It's beautiful. "It's pink tourmaline. It's helps release anxiety and stress, and gives off a loving and kind aura." Levi tells me before putting the necklace on me.

I grab the crystal in my hand feeling it's power. "Thank you." I tell them before laying my head down on Dustin's chest "I love you guys."

"We love you too." Dustin says rubbing my back.

We stayed like this for a few minutes until I drift off to sleep. I woke up when I felt Dustin start to squirm under me. I see that Levi's gone. I sit up and look at him questionably.

"Mason's here." He tells me. I start to get up so he can go to him. "No. If you need to stay we can stay."

"Dus, I'm not going to keep you from your mate." I tell him standing up.

"I love you sis." He pulls me into a hug kissing the top of my head before going down to his mate.

I walk over to my mirror looking at the necklace the boys got me. It's on a black leather cord and held together by a thin gold wire. I study it a little longer before I hear yelling from downstairs. I quickly make my way down the stairs to see what the problem is. When I get down there, I see Josh has Dustin pinned against the wall and David has Levi in the same position.

"What the hell's going!" I yell getting everyone's attention. "David, Josh put them down." I say calmly my voiced laced with a little power. David listens and drops Levi, but Josh is still holding Dustin with his eyes shifting from black to his nature blue. "Josh put him down!" I yell with my full power now. He meets my glaze now trying to resists, but it only lasts a few second before he drops Dustin and falls to one of his knees. "Where's Mason?" I ask noticing he's not here.

"I told him to take Gabe outside." Levi says anger evident in his voice.

"What happened?" I ask, taking a deep breath trying to calm myself.

"Him" Josh says with a discussed looking up at Dustin.

"He says I smell like someone else." Dustin says glaring back at Josh.

"Are you fucking serious?" I say pissed it's because of something as stupid as this. "Of course you do. You were just holding me a minute ago!" Realization comes across Dustin's face, but Josh still looks pissed. "Josh, he was trying to make me feel better. You of all people know that I've been dealing with a lot lately." Josh's eyes soften a little then he looks at Dustin with regret. "You know what? I'm not dealing with this. All of you in the living room now. You're going to talk your shit out by yourselves before the party starts." I tell them fed up with all the testosterone swarming the air.

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