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Sick: Iwaizumi Caretaker: Oikawa
Requested by: ShotoTodoroki11117

Oikawa's POV: There has been something off about Iwa-Chan all day, but I don't know what it is. This morning he didn't say "Hey Crappykawa" he just grabbed my arm and started walking. I kept asking him what's wrong but he says everything is fine. When he grabbed my arm it was really warm so I think he has a fever. I don't want him to play at practice so he doesn't get sicker. Right before after school practice, I ask him again, "Iwa-Chan are you sure you're good to play today, you have a fever." He turns to me and says "Toru I will sit down if I feel sick, I promise." Right then I took his word for it, but he fulfilled it a little too late.

Iwaizumi's POV: I feel very dizzy to the point where everything is blurry. I wobble my way over to the bench and lean against the wall behind it. I see 3 figures come up to me and immediately know who they are. "Iwaizumi you should drink some water, it'll help" Matsukawa said as he handed me a water bottle. "Nah, I'm g-good." I can't hear anything anymore as they try to force me to drink some water. And then I feel my eyes roll back and I'm gone.

Oikawa's POV: Iowa-Chan just passed out even though we told him to drink some water. A stubborn little thing he is! We end practice early and Matuskawa helps me bring Iwa to my house. When we get him set up on the couch with his feet up, I say farewell to Matsukawa and fix Iwa some dinner. My mom and sister aren't home and I thank God for that because they will fuss over Iwa until he has a headache. I finished cooking and Iwa-Chan hasn't woken up yet. I listened to how slow his breathing was and concluded that he was asleep now. I put a cold wet towel on his forehead that is dripping with sweat, half from practice and half from his fever that is going away. I lay down next to him and fall asleep.

Iwaizumi's POV: I wake up and realized that I'm not in the gym anymore I'm at Oikawa's house. He must have fell asleep after cooking me dinner. He really is a sweetheart. I eat the dinner and drink some water and lay back down and sleep with my baby, Toru.

The End!

Sorry these are taking so long to come out. School and sports are in the way of these coming out at a decent time period. But keep giving me requests! Bye!

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