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Sick: Kageyama CareTaker: Hinata 

Hinata's POV: Kageyama's always been stubborn. I loved that about him! He was so cute when he started saying stuff like "I'm not sick, i'm not tired" etc. But today he was sick I could tell because I beat him to school and he was awfully pale. When I catch my breath I ask him "Hey, are you okay? you're really pale." He looks at me confused and said,"I'm fine. I don't know what you're talking about." Once Kageyama asked me what it feels like to throw up, and I looked at him and said 'I can't really describe how it feels but it feels awful and that there is something coming up your throat.' He looked at me with his soft, like when he's eating or sleeping. I refocus and start practicing with Kageyama.

Timeskip by a very nauseous Kageyama~

Kageyama's POV: I start to understand what Hinata feels when he talked about throwing up a few days ago. I feel like I'm gonna puke right here on the gym floor. As I set a ball for Hinata he's able to spike it just barely in a scrimmage against Daichi, Suga, Tanaka and Tsukishima. I feel weird and I walk outside next to the tree in front of the gym and stand there. All of a sudden I feel a gag pushing its self out my mouth then I started dry heaving, something Hinata told me happens to some people who have never thrown up before or need a little help. I hear the door open and Hinata ask me "Are you okay Kageyama? Are you dry heaving? Can I help?" "Yes please help me." I plead to the older boy. "Okay this will be really uncomfortable so be ready if it really comes out." I nod and then he presses on my stomach and all of a sudden white puke splatters on the grass. Then I start to feel dizzy. "Kageyama c'mon babe stay with me-" is all I'm able to hear when everything went black.

Hinata's POV: Kageyama passes out right after he throws up. I take note of that if he's sick again, but for now I take him inside and everyone is shocked at our state. Yamaguchi and Asahi-San pale to the equivalent of a sheet of paper. Asahi-San reaches for Daichi to steady himself as Yamaguchi almost falls backwards taken aback of their strongest first year in this weak condition Daichi escorts the squeamish third year to the nurse as well as to ask if Kageyama and Hinata can be excused to go home.

Ten minutes later~

Hinata's POV: Daichi-San and Asahi-San come back. Asahi-San looks better as he was very squeamish so that threw him off. Kageyama had woken up after they had left and was feeling better but was still told to go home. As we walked home he asked me "What happened to Asahi-San?" "Oh he got nauseous after seeing you like that and Daichi-San took him to the nurse as well." He looked sad after I said that, so I said "Babe It's not yours or Asahi-San's fault, Its just he is very squeamish and has anxiety that's all." He looks happier after I said that. Then we started racing each other to his house and when he beat me I thought to myself 'He's back to normal now.' I smile to myself and walk inside with him and we just binge watch cartoons as today is Friday.

The End!

(a/n the next is going to be head cannons on how each Karasuno member acts when sick.)

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