BokuAka (ft Kuroken) Pt 2

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Sick: Bokuto  CareTaker: Akaashi, (ft Kenma and Kuroo)
Requested by: TodoDeku_Simp_101 (Sorry I literally just forgot to post this) Additional Motion sick Kuroo for Purple01628

Bokuto's POV: Okay, I admit, I feel REALLY bad, even after I puked at midnight. But, I have a game today so I gotta tough it out. Maybe it will go away when it's time to go to practice. At least I hope it will. Kuroo and Akaashi will freak the hell out. Kenma's more or less chill with the idea of puke, just thinks it's super gross. I think I caught a combined version of what Kuroo and Akaashi had yesterday. I'm going back to bed.

Timeskip to 8:00 am~

Bokuto's POV"Hey Guys!" I shouted to my 3 lovely boyfriends. They all looked at me as if I was about to explode. "Are you good Bo? You look, a bit green." Kuroo asked. "A little green." Akaashi corrected and they both started a staring contest. Kenma stepped up and said "Their both write Kou, you look sick." "I'm fine really, and we got that big game today! I just can't miss it!" In the corner of my eye I see the literature student open his mouth to correct me but doesn't, focusing on winning his and Tetsu's glaring contest. "Science and reading really don't get along huh, Ken?" "Yeah, wait- stop trying to change the subject! You're sick and you know it!" Kenma remarks. I suddenly feel a sickeningly sweet liquid pool in my mouth. "Shit." I say audibly as I book it to the bathroom.

Kuroo's POV: Me and Akaashi both stopped our contest at a door slamming upstairs, following loud retching. Me and Akaashi start to sweat a bit as we look at Kenma. "Huh, everyone else has got sick except me and my high ammune system." Akaashi rolls his eyes as I feel my appetite simmer. "I have a lecture I can't miss and have to speak, so I gotta go." "Have to go." Keiji comments snarkily. "WHATEVER!" I yell as I run out of the house feeling a bit relieved. I actually didn't lie, I actually have a lecture to see, I just dont have to speak.

Akaashi's POV: I still feel a bit antsy about Kou being sick. He caught it from me and Kuroo so I have to help. I'll threaten Kuroo fix him some dinner when he comes home. "Do you really have to go? Is this convention that important?" I ask Kenma as he starts packing his supplies. "Yeah I was promised if it will go well the buisness will get a few more shops around Tokyo." He looks at me solemnly. "I'm so sorry. Bye babe I'll be back tomorrow morning." He walks out the door. Bokuto is still retching upstairs so I go up and help him. When I get up there I see him slouched sloppily over the toilet, porceline flooded with sweat. " 'I'm fine.' He says." I remark to Bo as he starts to stand up. "Akaashi, I'm sorry." He says and that's when the emo mode starts. I sigh and say "Its fine Bo, just go lie in bed for the next 3 days. I hear him whine as he slowly walks away. I grab a bucket and a thermometer. I place it down next to where Bo has fallen asleep. I call my professor and tell him I'll be out for an uncertain amount of time for personal reasons.

Timeskip to the 2 days later~

Akaashi's POV: I'm walking to my next class when I get a call from Hinata. "Hey Akaashi? We kinda got a situation with Bokuto-San here." I feel annoyance in my body as I already know what's wrong. I told him to stay home while I go take my exam!! "I'm on my way Hinata, just keep him hydrated till I get there." I start booking it to my car and get in. I call Tetsu and he picks up the immediately. "Hey 'Kaashi, what's up." "Bo is what's up" He's silent for a second "Shit. Okay pull out side my class and then we'll go." He says and hangs up. Our classes are on opposing sides of the campus. Reading and Science REALLY don't mix. I'm over there in minutes and Kuroo runs to the car and gets in. I barely gave him time to fasten his seat belt before I drive off quickly.

Kuroo's POV: Akaashi is driving pretty fast and making a lot of sharp turns. I feel really sick and dizzy but we are supposed to be taking care of Bokuto, not taking care of me. In a matter of five minutes we stop in front of the gym Bo is at with his teammates. I lean back in the seat and this catches Akaashi's  attention. "Hey, are you feeling okay? Was I going too fast?" He says placing a hand on my cheek. "I'll be fine, It'll go away soon." I reply but seconds later I'm out of Keiji's car and puking in the grass. "Shit. Sorry, babe, I forgot, you stay there and I'll go get Bo. I give him a thumbs up before another round of vomit comes up. 

Bokuto's POV: I actually feel a lot better than I have the las few days after puking up the last of my water. "Bokuto! Are you okay, baby?" Akaashi asks as I stand up. "Yeah never better actually." He would be skeptical if I actually didn't look healthy. "Oh, well, let's go home then just in case, okay?" He asks.  I nod and wave my teammates goodbye.  We get inside the car and Kuroo is lying back against the seat. "Wow, you look like shit." I comment. He side eyes me and remarks, "Gee thanks." "Well lets go home then and wait for Kenma." Akaashi says pulling out and driving slower as not to upset Kuroo's stomach more. "Don't you mean, Let's go home AND wait for Kenma to get home?" Kuroo replies a smirk creeping across his face. Akaashi turns beet red from the realization of his grammar mistake. "Shut up, you're lucky you're cute." he says driving home. 

Kenma's POV: "Hey I'm home!" I shout to my boyfriends as I enter our apartment. "Hey Ken." Keiji replies from the doorway. He motions me over to see Kuro and Kou on the couch dead asleep. "Wow what did you guys do today?" I question with a chuckle and follow Keiji to the kitchen. "Not that much but it's quite a story. Sit, I'll tell you over some tea." 

The End! 

(A/n sorry for the little hiatus but I will be taking requests again and writing more sickfics so comment your requests please! Byee!)

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