Haikyuu: BokuAka

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Sick: Bokuto | Caretaker: Akaashi 

Bokuto's POV: When I woke up this morning I felt something was off but I didn't mind it to much. When I got up I started feeling dizzy but I shook it off as unimportant. I got ready for school and waited for Akaashi.

Akaashi's POV: As I Ran to Bokuto-San I noticed something odd...his hair was down. He also looked tired and he didn't yell "HEY HEY HEYYY" like he normally does, his back was hunched over and he was swaying next to me. I stopped him and asked him "Bokuto-San what's wrong?" He looks at me confused and says "What do you mean Akaashi I feel good." I let it go for now but I'm not letting him play at morning practice.

Time skip to at morning practice~

Akaashi POV: I call Bokuto-San over and tell him I am not letting him play. I didn't go to harsh on him to send him into emo mode as the way he acts it might worsen what I think is a fever. Either way he gets upset at whines, "But Akaashi I need to play I'm the captain!" He is so cute when he whines but I am still firm. "Bokuto-San come here." He walks over to me and I place my hands around his face and remove them instantly. "Bokuto-San you need to sit down right now!" His skin is very hot and he needs to sit down or he will pass out. He starts swaying and I catch him as he faints. I apologize to the team and say that practice is canceled and I make my way to the nurses office with Bokuto-San. The nurse lets me have the day off as well as Bokuto-San. On the way to his house,I open the door and see someone with only boxers on in the kitchen. I start to feel jealous."Bokuto? Its not even 12 ye- OH MY GOD BOKUTO?!??" I start not feeling jealous as much as I see how he handles Bokuto-San, like a family member. As he makes sure Bokuto-San is Okay he looks at me with a smirk and says "Ahhhh so YOU'RE the famous Akaashi I have heard so much about." I look at him confused and ask "what do you mean?" He says "Bokuto tells me all about someone named Akaashi." I wonder what he tells him? "What does he say?" "He says how much he loves him, wants to date him, etc." "I-I'm Keiji Akaashi sir" I say as I bow. He jumps in surprise and says "W-Woah dude y-you don't have to be all formal I'm not that much older than my cousin." My jealousy is all gone when he said he's Bokuto-San's cousin. I give him a pleased smile. While we waited for Bokuto-San to wake up we put on one of his favorite movies for him to watch when he wakes up.

Bokuto's POV: I wake up and I feel someones head on my chest and I see my favorite movie playing. I looked down and see its AKAASHI?!?!?!? I feel my face heat up and I see my cousin smirking at me. I roll my eyes as not wanting to speak and wake Akaashi. After awhile of me watching the movie my cousin takes my temperature. "Hmm must have been a hot flash then not a fever. Well now i gotta go home, bye Bokuto." I wave him goodbye as he shuts the door slowly. This is nice my favorite movie with m favorite person. "Bokuto-san...will you be my boyfriend?" Akaashi woke up without me knowing, but I still whisper as much as I can holding in the excitement "Yes Akaashi, I will." I turn off the TV and we head to my room to watch more movies.

The End!

(a/n sorry it took so long couldn't get any good MHA/BNHA ones so I guess Its just haikyuu now)

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