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Slendermans Point of Vision:

Concentration is very hard to achieve, if you can't stop thinking about a certain little human, which you haven't seen in three whole months.
How much longer would it be?
A year? Ten? I have time, but he... not so much.

I try to stop the horror scenarios from entering my thoughts, but...

Humans die so easily.... What if a car hits him? Or if he gets one of those many human sicknesses... what was it again? Cancer? The plague?

No. I better don't even think about this.

I try to concentrate, but not even my favorite book can console me right now.

There are just too many variables I can't control, and I absolutely hate not being in control.

But there is nothing I can do.
I have to trust him.
And if he never wants to see me again, that is his choice to make.

Suddenly I feel the familiar feeling of being summoned, a little like an invisible rope pulling me to wherever I' being summoned.
Obviously I could resist, there are too many people desperate to make bad decisions, I couldn't come every single time. But right now I'm desperate enough for a distraction.
So I give in and let myself be pulled.

The woods are dark and cold.

I wonder who it will be tonight. Drunk teenagers? Someone completing a dare? A conspiracy theorist trying to prove my existence?

But for some reason the figure seems familiar. As they turn around, I suddenly realise why.

It's Ace.

I immediately step out of my hiding place to take a closer look.
Is he okay? Thankfully it seems like he hasn't been by a truck after all. That's a relief.

His face lights up as he sees me.


He can be such a dork. Such a sweet little dork.

"That's not the reaction I usually get..."

"What's the reaction you usually get?"

Oh how I missed him. And that hopeful little smile... it warms my metaphorical heart.

"Something along the lines of "What the fuck Craig, I thought this was a joke?!" Or "Dude, I'm sooooo high right now, I swear I just saw this tall ass fancy dude..."

He laughs delightedly before growing sober again.

"It's so good to see you again! ..I'm sorry it took me so long."

Is he seriously apologising?
That's absolutely ridiculous! None of this is his fault in any way!

"I told you to take as much time as you needed. I'm glad you are even willing to talk to me again... it's a mercy I'm not sure I deserve."

He just smiles at me.

"Dude! You're so overdramatic!"

He suddenly starts walking towards me, wrapping me in a tight hug.

What is he doing? Can't he see I don't deserve his kindness?

But it feels so good...

Hesitantly I wrap my arms around his small form.

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