Movie night

53 4 4

Slenders PoV:

It's exactly 7 as I teleport directly into Ace's flat. Of course I would have liked to use the stairs, but I'm not exactly... inconspicuous.
Before teleporting, I reach out telepathically to let him know I'm coming. I wouldn't want to be impolite.

His living room is chaotic, but in the best way possible. Pillows and blankets are strewn about, and there are snacks on the table. The big tv makes me suspect what tonight's entertainment will be.

I wonder which movies he fancies? True crime? Horror movies?

And there he is, standing in the doorway and grinning goofily.

„Welcome in my humble abode, oh weary traveller."

What did you have for breakfast, a medieval peasant?"

His impish smile widens.


*Some time later*

„What did you bribe Ben with to tell you that television works near me? Or did you decide to take the risk?"

„He told me out of his own free will. Believe it or not."

„In that case I won't believe it. Tell me your secrets, witch-boy."

„No torture may take this secret from me, and it shall die with me"

„No torture will make you talk? Are you sure you will resist?"

I slowly start to reach for him, all the while watching closely for any sign of real fear or distress. He just looks curious about my intentions, maybe a little bit weary.

„Foolish mortal, no one can withstand the power of my tickle attack for long..."

And he IS ticklish. Very ticklish.
He starts shrieking with laughter, trying to get away from me , but it's all too easy to catch him. And it's just so good to see him with his guard down, laughing out loud and not worrying about a thing.

We should do this more often.

„Stop this torture, oh mighty god of hitting your head because you're too tall, I surrender!"

His gaze lands on the pillow beside him.

"Or do I?"

With that he grabs the pillow and chucks it in my direction. I hit my head on the ceiling, as I try to dodge. There's a reason I try to have all my fights outside.

Seeing this, Ace just starts laughing even harder than before. Even I can't suppress a chuckle.

„Ahaha... I'm sorry, it's... just too funny..."

„As long as you are entertained by my pain."

„Well, if you don't want me to be entertained, perhaps you should stop being entertaining. Just a thought."

I pick up a pillow myself.

Just you wait until I get you, you snarky little-„
But we are interrupted by the ring of the doorbell.

Hm. Maybe it's the Pizza I ordered? Just wait here, preferably out of sight if you don't want to end up on r/nosleep. Again."

He goes to open the door, as I hide myself like a teenagers first love. Or like an unspeakable horror in a movie night.
From the door comes the voice of an older lady, definitely not a pizza delivery person.

"Ace dear, it's so nice to see you again! You've been gone for so long! Charlie told me all about it! He- she- I mean they, I'm so sorry dear, please don't tell them, I really AM trying, my brain just isn't what it used to be."

„Anyway, what I meant to tell you before being horribly rude is that they told me all about how work Just orders you around like it's nothing, you really should quit! They don't deserve such a nice young man like you!"

„I'm sorry I made you worry, Miss Lucas. And you are absolutely right, I already quit because we did not agree about how a company should treat their workers."

I can hear the smile in his voice. He seems to like the old Lady, and she does seem entertaining.

„Back in my day we used to burn a company down if it treated us so horribly! The good old Molotov cocktail, you know.."

I have to suppress a chuckle. Very entertaining indeed.

„I wish I could ask you to come inside for a little chat, but sadly I didn't clean in a while. It's very messy."

„Oh dear, don't you worry about that! But I didn't come to annoy you with my humble presence, I merely came to bring you a neighbourly gift! Homemade cookies!"

„Oh, I couldn't possibly accept! I-„
„Nonsense, nonsense! I made them especially for you! But if you really do insist on paying me back you could come over and check my phone. It just died while I was tindering, such a shame! There was this fine looking man, Matthew I believe, and-„

Ace is full out laughing now, and I myself must concentrate really hard to avoid just that.

As Miss Lucas is gone, Ace is still giggling maniacally.

„You really are a nightmarish creature. No tinder if you are near. Never have I seen such evil."

„I do feel a little bad. She seems like such an.. interesting.. person."

„True True. Very interesting indeed, I adore her."

I do too. I only know her for five minutes and would already throw hands for her"

Alright you simp, what are we watching?"

„I am no specialist, so feel free to choose whatever you desire."

„Alright then, Mama Mia it is."

I lean back against the cushion of the couch and reach for one of Miss Lucas' cookies, but Ace grabs my hand mid-air, stopping me.

„Wait no, I don't think those are normal cookies."

What do you mean by that?"

Is the old lady not as trustworthy as she seemed? Is she a threat to him?

„I mean she probably quite literally put weed in them. So take one if you want, but be prepared. The first time she baked me cookies I had nobody to  warn me. I really shouldn't have eaten all of them in one setting while being alone at home."

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