Jeff the coolest

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Ace's POV:

Okay. Being stared at by these people really makes me feel uncomfortable.

The one with the withe hoodie is especially unnerving. He hasn't blinked once.
I do my best to not stare at his stringy black hair or the scars that are carved into his cheeks, making him smile forever, but they do look... concerning.

„Hello stranger! I'm Jeff the k-„

He suddenly stops talking as the guy with the blue mask kicks him in the shin.

„Jeff the uh, the coolest. Jeff the coolest." he finishes lamely.

Definitely not what he was going to say. 

Nevermind. Time to let him suffer a bit with that nickname.
„Hello Jeff the coolest, nice to meet you! I'm Ace Williams. "
He cringes and awkwardly takes my hand.
„Just Jeff Please."
He motions to the boy with the blue mask.
„This is Eyeless Jack. He has no eyes and also no fucking manners."
He suddenly lunges  at Jack who simply steps to the side and lets him fall to the floor. 

A young man with brown hair speaks up. His body seems to twitch and crack constantly.
„I'm Toby! And this:"
He motions at a blonde teen who hasn't put their phone down once „...Is Ben."
I smile at Toby, he seems to be the most normal of the bunch.
„ It's cool to meet you Toby."

A tall black and white clown, who has been silently staring at me before, starts to smile widely.
„Hello dear friend! I'm the one and only Laughing Jack! Would you like some candy?"
He holds out a lollipop, and since I haven't eaten for...
when did I eat the last time? I cant remember.
I reach for the lollipop, but Jack with the blue mask rips it from my grasp and throws it behind the TV. I give him an irritated look.
„What the heck man?" 
The clown speaks up again.
„Don't worry, I have more!"
he holds up some candy, but Jack steps in front of me.
„Don't eat anything he offers you Ace. And LJ, the boss is going to  rip you in half,  hang your guts all over the trees as a warning and I'm going to videotape it if you. don't. Behave."

The clown (I guess I should start referring to him as LJ from now on) gasps dramatically.

„Calm down, this is normal candy, I would never  dare treat our precious guest  badly!"
Toby rolls his eyes at him while LJ eyes me curiously.

„I also didn't know slender was this attached to a random human."

he leans down to me, coming uncomfortably close.
„What's so special about you kiddo?"

I take a step back and suppress a shudder.
I never did like clowns, but this one disturbs me even more for some reason.
No need to give him the satisfaction to know that though.

„I can survive only off of instant noodle soup, that's got to be worth something."

He breaks into shrill laughter.

„AHAHAHAHAHA I like you kiddo! Finally someone with a sense of humor! I think we'll get along just great. Candy?"

I eye the Bonbon suspiciously.

„No thank you."

Thankfully Jack tapas me on the shoulder, effectively breaking up my conversation with the disturbing clown. H must have seen how uncomfortable I've looked...

„Please follow me, I'll bring you to your room."

he leads me through the door, up the stairway and into a corridor, where he opens a wooden door and reveals a nice and tidy room. In the corner there's a big bed with a green blanket and pillow and on the window is a desk with a big bookshelf beside it.
I am about to look closer at the books as Jack starts talking again.

„You can make yourself at home. Dinner will be at eight. Just down the stairway and then to the left. Please ask if you need any help or have a question. See you later then."

with that he leaves me to examine what seems to be my new home.

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