I can't believe I'm still alive

104 8 9

Ace's POV:
Ouch. Why does my body hurt so damn much? Am I still alive? Is this the afterlife?
I crack my eyes open, only to close them again because the harsh, white light burns eyes.

What the hell happened? Where am I? The last thing I remember is hiding at Charlies home, hoping Slenderman won't come to kill me...

I try to feel my surroundings but my arm feels incredibly heavy...

"Don't move, you're injured."

That voice... shit. I'm going to die.

I open my eyes again, and squint at where the voice came from.
There he sits, Slenderman.
At the side of the hospital bed I'm lying in.

My heart is beating rapidly in my chest as I try to get as much space between us as possible, but that's pretty hard considering I feel like I've been hit by a truck.
I guess running away is not an option I have right now. Fighting is even more impossible.

"If you're going to kill me, please make it quick."

He looks confused.

"Why would I ruin a perfectly good suit to save you and then wait until you wake up, just to kill you now?"

I relax a little, although I don't quite trust his sudden peaceful attitude.

Maybe he needs to find out how much I told them before he kills me...

"I swear I didn't tell the FBI anything."

"Please calm down, I believe you. If you had told them anything there would be considerably more people with machine guns in these woods now. But that's not what I want to talk about."

I stay silent, scared I'll anger him by saying the wrong thing. I don't want to antagonise him, especially not in the defenceless state I am in.

"Listen, I know we've had a few... difficulties, but I believe there has been a misunderstanding between us. The woman you saw me... dispose of, Vivienne was her name I believe, she and the other human had a plan."

The memories come flooding back. Vivienne. Daniel, the coffee, the woods... how could I have forgotten that?

"What... what plan?"

I already have a suspicion though.

"They offered me help killing you, their hate filled minds already planning your murder and their promotion. "

"And you... you killed them?"

"...Yes, one at least. Sadly the other got away, as I was quite... preoccupied with your sudden appearance. I'm sorry."

"I honestly thought you'd kill me right then and there.."

"I could have."

The answer scares me, but oddly enough he doesn't make it sound like a threat.

"Why didn't you?"

He is silent for so long that I doubt whether he'll answer at all.

I let my gaze wander throughout the small room. The walls are all white, and I can see the forest through the small window beside me. My left leg seems to be in a cast. My brain finally seems to catch up with the realization that I'm not in any imminent danger, and the adrenaline makes room for exhaustion and pain. 

After a long pause, he finally speaks up.

"You are an interesting opponent."

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