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Ace's point of vision:

Like a bucket of ice water dumped onto my head, the sentence I read sends a shiver down my spine.

"You shouldn't have done that..."

According to Slenders plan, I should try summoning the Nintendo loving elve kid from the mansion...
But Ben currently is not acting like a cute little elf kid, more like a terrifying cursed virus... which I guess he kind of is.
A child, broken through the cruel challenges of the world, the pressure and hate, the violence from the people that should have protected him, loved him... 

I can't imagine how it must have felt. First the paralysing fear, then the mind numbing panic controlling his every move as he realized what was happening. The urge, the NEED to breathe in... the cold water distorting his vision, his last moments muted by the water he couldn't escape. And finally the freezing water, entering his lungs and tearing down his life like painful shards of ice. But somehow he survived, put himself together again... changed,  scared, in pain, but somehow... alive.

Trapped in a game, the world he knew gone, only apathetic lines of code. Instead of the friends and hopes   a kid like him so desperately needed,what life had planned for him was loneliness, pain, fear. Nothing but ones and zeroes.

In the end, his own terrible fate caused him to lash out and hurt innocent people.
But then Slender had found him.
No longer alone, he got another chance at happiness. A new family, one that actually loved him.

Weariness is replaced by sadness, as I type my answer.

"Hey Ben, it's me. Ace."

Barely a second later, there's already a reply. I guess he doesn't need time to type an answer if he can just bend the code to his liking, a thought of his enough to send and receive messages.

A boy? A ghost? A virus? Maybe something in between. A lost soul trying to survive in a harsh world that just doesn't care.

"A right. Dads new boy toy."

Nevermind. He still has much of a normal teenager.

"No, I'm not."

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night"

A chuckle escapes my throat. He may be a little annoying, but at least he's acting like a normal teenager, which is a relief.

„Sooo, as I understand it, you are... inside of my computer right now? Do I even have to type?"

Sure enough, an answer pops up.

„What do you want? Should I go get Slender?"

No. I want to ask you something first.."

„Ok boomer."

Do you know exactly how Slenders static works?"

Why do you want to know?"

Because I just need to know, okay? Do TVs work?"

What's in it for me?"

Come on Ben. You're a good guy. My bestest bro."

More like a wingman. Ugh fine. TVs work if he doesn't get too emotional or actively concentrates on disrupting their frequency. Do you really think I would live in with him if I had to give up Netflix?"

An evil smile spreads across my face as a plan is already forming in my head.
But I guess my pink hoodie with the inscription "worlds best grandma" kind of ruins the whole look.

"Lol. Look at your overdramatic gay ass already planning the date."

My dramatic gasp fills the silence of the room.

"Dude, I'm straight!"

"Wait, really?"

My serious face falls of my face like an ill fitting mask, as I errupt in laughter.

"Absolutely not. Have you ever seen men? Or enbies for that matter! Or anyone really? How could I be straight if everyone is just so cute?"

"That was NOT funny. I already saw my otp shatter into a thousand pieces..."

"Sure you weeb. Just ask Slender whether he's free next Friday, okay?"

"Sure. But I can already tell you he will be delighted to go on this "absolutely platonic" date with you. I bet he will even wear his extra fancy suit which looks exactly like the other one. Don't tell him I told you that."

I ignore Bens teasing as my mind takes me somewhere more interesting. Will Slender enjoy a movie night? Is that too cliché?
But before I can let myself think about this in unnecessarily great detail, I got to say goodbye to the elf.

"Bye Ben. Thank you."

"Grown ups are weird."

Then the computer shuts itself off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Well, I have plans to make.

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