Apologies are to be made

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Ace's point of vision:

I weak up, only to realize I was clinging onto someone. I slowly peak open my eyes, only to see part of a black suit.

Oh no. Please no.

I quickly scramble off of the person, only to have my worst suspicion confirmed.

Yep, it's Slenderman.

Did I cuddle up to him in my drug induced sleep?


Why didn't he kill me? Or at least push me off of him?

Maybe he wants to ask me some questions first?

I feel the by now familiar anxiety and fear rise up in me.

„I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to, I was asleep!
Please don't kill me..."

I take as many steps away from him, until a wall stops my flight.
But he just looks at me, apologetic.

„It's quite alright. You had a nightmare, and the tranquilliser drugs were making your panic attack worse.
I was there and you didn't seem to mind, so I tried to calm you down a little."

He looks at the ground.

„I want to apologise to you.

It seems like... you were telling me the truth the entire time.
And I didn't believe you.

I know I hurt you, and I'm incredibly sorry for that.

I don't know why you decided to help me after you finally had the chance to escape, but I know I didn't deserve it.
And now you're here, locked up with me.

I don't expect you to forgive me.
I know there's no excuse for what I did. But I promise you that I will get both of us out of here, and after that you'll never have to see me again."

He looks so incredibly sad.

I'm still scared.

What if he doesn't mean it?
Is this a test? A joke?

But he doesn't look like he's joking.

"You... you really... believe me?"

"Yes, I do. I should have done so sooner."

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

So he doesn't want to kill or torture me anymore. Thank god.

„I... don't know what to say. It's been horrible."

"I know. I'm so sorry."

He looks awful.

"Maybe I am a monster after all."

I answer without thinking, surprising myself.

"You're not."

He stares at me, confused.

"How can you say that?"

I'm honestly not sure.

"I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at you again without fearing for my life. There where times where I'd rather been dead."

He looks at the ground in shame.

"But.... how do I say this....
I know why you did it. What you thought.
And I can understand your reasons, so if you want me to forgive you.... then I'll try."

He quickly looks up at me, seemingly confused.

„Why would you do that?"

I sit down beside him.

„Because I have seen what hate does, and I've had enough of it for a lifetime."

„I could have killed you. I almost did. I tortured you. Abandoned you.
You really shouldn't forgive me so easily."

„Who says I'll forgive you easily? It's going to take a long long time.
And probably many sessions with a therapist."

The look of guilt on his face intensifies.

„Besides, I'm hoping you'll put in a good word for me when you see the others, because they probably still think I whacked Jack over the head with a stone, leaving to to fight for themselves in order to run away."

„Why would they think that?"

„Because that's exactly what I did."

That earns me a surprised chuckle from his side.

I count that as a win.

Then why did you come back for me?"

I smirk my most evil smile.

„Keep asking, and maybe one day I'll even tell you.
For now I suggest we concentrate on getting out of here."

He sighs in defeat.

„I already tried teleporting, but it seems like they are blocking my power somehow. I also can't read any of their thoughts, so I assume they're as immune as you are."

„Let's just lay low for a while. I'm sure they'll eventually make a mistake. And we will be ready by then."

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