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Y/n's Pov:

"Are you ready for today, Y/n?" My mother asks as we feast on our breakfast. We had just moved from Y/C to Japan because my mother had just recently gotten promoted to supervisor over the illustrations team.

My mother is a very respected person, I always try to do my best to meet her expectations. She expects a lot from me.

I know what you're thinking, "What a cliche start to this story" Well, I'm here to tell you that this story is anything but cliche.

"Going to a new school? Being the center of attention? Yeah, I'll never be ready" I respond to my mother with a dull expression on my face.

It wasn't that I didn't love my mother, I do, very much. I just hate attention. Verbal attention at least. However I don't mind physical attention that much. I am very much touch deprived, as a matter of fact.

My mother is rarely home and my dad was serving overseas so I didn't have much attention as a child.

Then there's my brother. He's 13, smells like B.O. half the time, and never showers. Never. The kid is DISGUSTING.

Plus the fact that he's tried to sell me to the government several times. He says and I quote, "With your powers, we could be rich! But you want to be selfish" Now let me tell you, the amount of times that I've wanted to chuck him out a window is an incredible amount of times.

However, the amount of times I've actually done it is way more impressive.

What powers might you ask? Well I'm a psychic. I know something that you probably expected from this book and the answer is yes, it's what you expected.

With the finish of shoveling the food down my throat, I got up from my seat and put my dish in the sink. I would've eaten more but I don't want to seem greedy.

I glance back and forth and my mother and brother. My mother, wearing a grey pants suit and her hair in the tightest bun possibly.

Then, my brother, he was wearing his middle school uniform.

Last but not least, me. My hair was half neon purple and half h/c, unlike the other members of my family. I wore my hair in two half buns, I wore two pastel yellow hair pins in my hair that were placed in both placed in the middle of either bun.

In addition to that, I also wore a pair of glasses with yellow lenses (Kinda like those drip sunglasses without the drip at the bottom of it), I wore chain earrings, and my school's uniform.

The clock struck 7:15 and that was my que to leave for school. "You should get going n/n you don't want to be late for your first day of school" My mother reminds me. 'Yeah, God forbid' I nod my head and grab my bag to walk out the door.

As soon as I step out of my house I heard so many inner voices. None of which were mine of course.

It annoys me but I knew that it wasn't their fault, they didn't know that there were psychics so it's whatever.

Walking down the street I see one of my neighbors leaving their house. He is wearing my school uniform and he has pink hair, pink hairpins, and green glasses.

Something about his presence was odd, whenever I try to here his inner voice all I hear is 'good grief'

Good grief I think to myself. I am now walking down the street to the school just a few paces behind the boy with pink hair and as soon as I thought that he looked at me weird. I furrow my eyebrows. "Did you need something?" I speak directly into his mind.

From his perspective my lips didn't move. He scrunches his nose when I spoke."What the fuck..." he responds. His lips didn't move either, my eyes looked like they had widened in size. I tilt my head a bit "How the-"

I was cut off mid sentence by a tall boy with an enormous butt chin. He was wearing the uniform of the school that I go to and I'm assuming that the pink guy goes too as well. "Hey, pal! Who's this? Are you a friend of my pal?" He speaks as he looked at me.

The tall boy rapped his arm around the pink haired boy's shoulder and he looked too uncomfortable.

Me, being a bit noisy, I tried looking for this guy's inner voice as well but, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Hmm, interesting... "Um..no, I'm not, I don't even know him, sorry" I answer his question.

I begin to grip the straps of my backpack, in an attempt to walk away, but I was stopped.

"Ah, hey you go to PK academy! We go there too!" The guy with the butt chin informs me. 'Wow, I totally didn't figure that out for myself already'

"Really? Cool" I say, trying to sound interested. I do not sound interested. I begin to grip my backpack straps a bit tighter. My face shows no emotion whatsoever and neither does the pink haired guys.

"Yeah! I'm Nendo by the way and this is Saiki" He tells me. Nendo holds out the hand that wasn't draped around Saiki's shoulder, for me to shake.

Taking his hand in mine, I shook his pointer finger. Yes, you heard me right, not his hand. His pointer finger. I don't know where that hand's been and I don't want to know.

Anddddd que the x-ray vision. Gee, great, now he looks like a skeleton, but Saiki didn't? I furrowed my eyebrows once again. "Great to meet you both but, I gotta go..." I mutter as I push past them. Yeah, I'm not trying to deal with that today.

At an attempt to walk out of ear shot range I hear from behind me,"Wait! I didn't catch your name!" Damn it, now I gotta tell him my name. "Y/n L/n" I speak into their brains. Okay, now I'm running to school. I don't care.

Saiki's Pov:

Y/n began to walk away, as I thought to myself, 'Who the fuck was that?' 'Why the fuck could I not see her lips move?' 'Why the fuck did she not turn into bones?'

{Author's Commentary}

Author: Lmao Saiki's having a mental breakdown

Saiki: Okay? 😑 Don't act like you don't have them like three times a day

Author: And? that's me and you're you, can you not comprehend that you're not the only psychic?

Saiki: ...

Author: Yeahhh that's what I thought antenna head

I pull Nendo's arm off my shoulder and glare at him. Why does he always appear at the worst of times?

I begin walking to school once again and try to walk a bit faster to get to school quicker. Why is my life like this?

The thought of Y/n did not leave my mind. Not once. By the time I got to school my head was filled with thoughts about Y/n, but what the information that I've gathered from her family members.

She just moved here from Y/C, she's in my year, and she hates verbal affection.

It was now time for class to start. "Did you hear that there's a new student?" "Really?" "Yeah, I hope they're nice!" Everyone was rambling on about a new student.

Oh boy, if we recall my record, I think we both know who the new student is going to be.

So, that gave me no information on what she is. 'Seriously what is this girl? Is she also a psychic? No, that can't be.' "Wow, are you that dense?" An inner voice asks me.

Wait- I'm sorry what? An inner voice asks me? I couldn't answer because I don't know who is talking and I don't want to get in trouble of course.

"For someone so smart, you're so stupid" The voice insults me. 'If I'm right about who this is, I'm gonna beat her ass' I think to myself, knowing that she can hear me. Just as I thought that the teacher walks in with someone behind her.

Guess who it was.

Yep, that's right, it's Y/n.

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