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Y/n's Pov:

I walk into the classroom after my little talk with Saiki. I am dying laughing on the inside, but on the outside, I still look deadpanned.

"Class, I'd like to introduce you to our new student, This is Y/n L/n, Y/n please write your name on the board" The teacher instructs me, and I did just that.

After I wrote my name on the board I was just left standing there. I wait to obey her further instruction.

Out of boredom I begin to scan the room and four people out of the bunch caught my eye. One, being Nendo, two, being a girl that had indigo pigment in her hair.

It looks as though she was glowing, rightfully so I mean, she was gorgeous. A boy that has baby blue roots and a bandage on his hand, and the one and only Saiki.

Although the lot was fairly attractive, it's not their looks that are interesting to me, it's their thoughts and of course, the familiar faces.

The girl, who we call Teruhashi Kokomi, is conceited, arrogant, and an attention seeker. Most of her thoughts were, "I'm perfect" "Everyone must love me" or "I wonder what I could do to make Saiki fall for me?"

Well, I had previously already come to the conclusion that Saiki must have some sort of supernatural superpowers, one of them being telepathy, and Teruhashi, let me tell you, he does NOT like you.

It had only been a quick minute and I was hearing Teruhashi already saw me as competition and I do not want to "compete" with her. That being said, I turn to Saiki saying, 'You're hearing this right?' with a raise of my eyebrow.

'I wish I wasn't' that was his response. His answer was a bit funny, but now it was even funnier because both of us were laughing at her in our heads. "Y/n, would you mind telling the class a bit about yourself?"

About time God damn it, you had me standing there for a good three minutes.

The most awkward three minutes of my life for that matter. "Sure. Hi, I'm Y/n L/n, I'm from Y/C, I'm 16, and the academy I am coming from is Y/S" I answer with the most engaged voice I could possibly muster.

"Hey, you're my pal's friend!" Nendo shouted out loud. The entire class looked at him, but he seemed unfazed. 'Jeez my social anxiety could never'

'nether could mine' Saiki answers in a more monotone voice than before.

The teacher was about to say something when Nendo interrupts her, "Want to go get ramen with us after school?" He asks.

Okay, that was straight up... am I allowed to say no? I don't know how, I not as much of a social butterfly as he is. "uhhh"

That is when the teacher clears her throat, "Ahem, do you mind making your after school plans after school?" Her hands are on her hips, staring daggers into Nendo's soul. "Ah, sorry miss."

Miss had thanked Nendo and carried on with what she was about to say, she turns to me and says, "Your seat is right behind Saiki's. Saiki, raise your hand" like he was told, Saiki raises his hand.

As I'm walking to my seat I can hear Teruhashi mentally cursing me. 'Wait, why does this girl get to sit behind Saiki? That's not fair!' were her words. I begin to laugh in my head as I sit in my seat.

Then I remember that I still have my backpack on. "Um, Miss? Where can I put my bag?"

The teacher glances back at me. "In one of the back cubicles" She explains as she made her way to her desk.

I walk to the back of the class to put my backpack down like she instructed. The only one that seemed open was the one in the far back.

Before I knew it the class was over and I could finally leave and eat my lunch.

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