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Saiki's Pov:

Both Y/n and I have now finished our lunches and are now heading back to class for ending period.

We just met and she's the only one I'm going to label as my friend. We are exactly alike from the powers to the personality to the complementary colors in our hair and glasses, everything.

She is the only tolerable person I can be around in my class without wanting to rip off my ears. She's the only person I can tolerate in general.

As I was saying, we are walking back to class as the hallway fills with students, rushing to get back to their classrooms for ending period.

Walking side by side, Y/n and I both speed into the classroom and go straight to our seats.

Everyone is waiting for ending period to start so they could just go home or do whatever the fuck my classmates do I don't really care.

The teacher walks in a begins ending period while I got bored because I already knew the material that she was teaching I mean, come on why must we learn about gravity?

'because we are now hush, you know I can hear your inner monologues right?' Y/n thinks. Wait- 'you can hear my inner monologues?' I ask back.

'I can, now quit whining will you?' she responds with her inner voice. That's fucking embarrassing. I mentally rolled my eyes so she couldn't see my reaction in person. I could feel her burning holes into the back of my head.

Behind me I could hear her actually chuckle out loud. Her laugh was light and airy but deep and full at the same time. She was laughing at me? Yes, she was.

'Yeah I am' Gee thanks for the reassurance. 'no problem' Okay, moving on.


Class was over and everyone was packing up their stuff. Most people went to crowd the cubicles so it was hard for one person to get their bags because of this.

I finish packing up and I turn around to see Y/n packing up as well. "Hurry up, I'm not gonna wait for you forever" I reprimand her. I was trying to leave before anyone- "Hey pal!" I spoke to soon.

"Wanna come eat ramen with me and Kaido? Your friend can come too if you want!" Nendo of course shows up out of nowhere again for the second time today. I hate to say it but his timing is impeccable.

No matter how many times I went in the I'm not going this time.

...We ended up going...

And I don't even know how, both me and Y/n were against going and yet, somehow, even after we got into the shop. How you may ask? I don't even know and I don't want to fucking know.

Both of us finally show up at the shop and I am more than unamused. Y/n looks half unamused and half interested in the shop and what was in it.

Nendo and Kaido were thoroughly happy that she agreed. "So L/n, how do you like Japan so far?" Nendo asks her, trying to provoke some harmless small talk.

Y/n takes a while to think before answering "It's fine" she responds bluntly. Just after she answers the waiter walked up to the table.

"What can I get you guys" They asks us. They wore a black apron and they had a notepad in their hands. They also wore a visor to cover their face and had a A-cut.

Kaido was prepared with his order and the order was and Udon with miso soup.

Next to order was Nendo and his order was a clam ramen. 'Wait if we're at a ramen shop, why did Kaido get an udon?' Y/n's inner voice asks me.

'To spite Nendo' I answer. It was probably true because Kaido just enjoys spiting him for kicks. All the damn time.

Next it was my turn to order. I end up ordering a beef ramen and an egg.

Finally, Y/n orders a cold soba. Tch Todoroki much? 'I don't want to hear it. Shoto is bae' (Shameless promotion for my book Chiaroscuro, coming out soon!!) I forgot that she can hear me. 'Damn straight'.

Conversation carried on and Y/n just answered with blunt responses. Most of the conversation was Nendo and Kaido bickering. "Have you ever come across something called the Dark Reunion?" Kaido asks Y/n.

Y/n finishes slurping up the last of her Soba as she thought of an answer. Here we go, I knew that this question was going to show up sometime in the conversation.

Okay, be honest with me, did you get soba just to spite Nendo?

'Of course not! I did it to spite you!' She responded. Gee thanks. "No I haven't but I'll keep a look out" She answers Kaido. After Kaido heard this, his heart fluttered and a blush appeared on his face.

Y/n checks her phone for the time as says, "Sorry guys but I have to leave, my mom is making me have dinner with her co-workers family" she excused herself from the table and left her pay of the check on the tray her food came on.

She grabs her backpack and whispers in my ear before fully standing up, "See you tonight" I'm sorry but what?

After that, she got up and left. No but really, I'm gonna see her tonight? What does she mean by that?

I now know what she meant by that.

My mom had just announced that our family was having dinner at my dad's co-workers place and coincidentally, they lived a few doors down. GUESS WHO WE'RE SEEING.

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