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Y/n's Pov:

Bags under my eyes, I can't move an inch. I got up 8 times last night and Kusuo got up 7 times. I haven't slept a wink this whole fucking time, neither has Ku.

I've learned multiple things within these 12 hours. 1. Kaede cries a lot, 2. You can't give melatonin to a baby, and 3. Both of us are very touchy when we are tired.

And cranky. Very, very cranky.

Okay, six minutes. That's all the time we have left to fall asleep. Kusuo wraps his shirtless self around my tits, squishing them in the process as I can feel the cold band on his finger knick my stomach.

Sinking into his arms, the alarm clock goes off. Loud, extensive blaring shoots throughout the entire room, waking up Kae in the process. Kusuo groans in annoyance as we fall out of the bed, connected by the hip.

Man, I need a cup of coffee.

"I'll be back in a few. I'm going home" I slur, dropping myself back into my room. I rush down to the bathroom to take a shower, attempting to avoid my family members.

After brushing my teeth and taking a long, well deserved shower, I get dressed in my uniform for school and put up my hair quickly.

Creeping into the kitchen, I hope to not see my mother at the coffee pot but of course, she's standing right in front of it. "Heyyy mom" I slide next to her, reaching for the pot.

She glares at me with disapproval in her eyes. Yeah, like she didn't get knocked up at 17 now she's looking at me when I didn't even have to birth my child?

Ignoring me, she takes the coffee pot and fills her cup to the tip, emptying the pot. I throw my hands in the air for a slight second at the fact that she's just this petty.

Like mother, like daughter, I guess.

I snap myself back into Kusuo's room only to see Ku getting up from his bed just now. "I was gone for 15 minutes, why are you not up yet?" I ask.

"Tch, calm down. She stopped crying after 5 minutes. Anyways, it's my turn to get ready" He kisses my forehead, walking to the bathroom.

I enter Kae's nursery, seeing her play with her sense of gravity. She smiles widely with her two bottom teeth and yeah, she was actually born with her two bottom teeth. I figured that out when she tried to bite me.

Picking up Kaede, I knock on the door to the bathroom to see if Kusuo is still in there or not. "Come in"

Excuse myself? Come IN? There's a thing called personal space, it doesn't matter if we have a child together and slept in the same bed last night but still, personal space.

Nonetheless, I open the door to Kusuo brushing his teeth, still shirtless. Like, damn, put on a shirt. "I need to bathe Kae, move out of the way" I hit his side with little to no force.

"Wash her in the tub. I have to get ready" He ignores me, continuing to brush his teeth.

"Just because you're attractive, doesn't mean you run the world" I mutter to myself, shoving him out of the way.

After quickly giving Kae a bath and changing her into a pink onesie, I look at the time and we've still got 15 minutes to spare. With that 15 minutes, we're going to figure out what we're doing with Kaede because we clearly can't bring her to school.

Kusuo looks over at Kae in her pink one piece with a white collar, smiling lightly at her. "Okay so what do we do with her now?" he asks with a high pitched voice, making me snort.

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