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Saiki's Pov:

Okay, for reference, Y/n and I just found a baby in my house that looks like both of us. I'm taking it pretty well, at least I'd say. Y/n on the other hand not so much...

"Oh my God, my life is over. My parents are going to freak out. Is it too late to abort it? How are you supposed to deal with a child at such a young age? Maybe it's not our child, maybe it's fake, maybe I'm delusional" Y/n rambles as she paces back and forth.

While Y/n is contemplating her life choices, I am trying to figure out where this baby came from. Y/n and I have never had...intercourse.

And even if we did, we've only known each other for a good few weeks, that's not enough time to birth a baby.

Yeah, we are like, superhuman or whatever but still. It's still a child and it needs time to produce. It's not our child, it couldn't be. Where did you come from then?

As Y/n is freaking out over how the baby got there, I do the rational thing and touch the baby to see where it came from.

...It came from us. HOW? WE'VE NEVER SLEPT TOGETHER, I PROMISE. Wow, freaking out is a very common theme in my life lately. I've never freaked out this much in my entire life.

Then again, I've never had a daughter in my entire life, up until now that is.

Okay now I'm freaking out, what am I supposed to tell my parents?! Am I even qualified to take care of a baby?! Neither of us are financially stable and- oh wait, we're psychic, the baby is psychic, we have access to all the money in the world.

Maybe we can put it through adoption or something. Okay nevermind I just remembered how fucked up the adoption system is, so then what are we supposed to do with it?

We both go to school, we both have parents that work minimum wage, and we barely have time. But I think we can make this work!

Okay, scratch the thing I said about freaking out, this is the most I've ever shown emotion in my entire life.

I turn to Y/n to see her coming to terms with our daughter. Ew, that feels weird to say. Y/n is now holding our daughter in her arms, bouncing her as she smiles. Oh wait, we haven't even chosen a name yet.

Damn, I'm getting way too into this parent thing. Regardless, she needs a name. "She still needs a name, Y/n. What are we supposed to call her?" I ask her, sitting down next to her on the floor. Yeah, I used her first name.

Y/n looks over at me and thinks to herself for a bit. "I kind of like the name Kammie. It sounds really pretty!" She presents the name to me.

I don't really think the name suits her, I mean it sounds nice but I don't think she looks like a Kammie.

"Well, I like Edei is a good name, it suits her" I give her the name that I thought of. As Y/n continues to bounce our daughter in her arms (and yes, I am still not over how weird that sounds yet) she contemplates her choices and raises her eyebrows.

She grimicances at her thoughts and looks up at me with our baby in her arms. "Then we'll name her Kaede. Spelled K-a-e-d-e. No negotiations." she demands, being serious about no negotiations thing.

I sigh at her and obliged to the request. "Fine by me." I agree as I take Kaede out of Y/n's hands and cradle her myself.

I'm pretty sure that this is the first time I've held my child but these circumstances are so weird.

Once again, our circumstances are never normal considering that our entire family is made up of psychics. The girl has already said her first words on her first day of being brought into the hellish world we call earth.

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