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Y/n's Pov:

Well... uh, dinner went better than expected...

At the end of the night we both ended up passing out watching the news. Weird. I know, but did you know that the prime minister's daughter is going bankrupt? Sorry, sorry, not the point.

I really need to find a solution on how to block Saiki out from my inner monos and I want to find a way to lock myself out of his inner monos because the amount of things he talks about is weird.

'You're not any better, I heard you singing Arctic Monkeys last night at 3 o'clock in the morning' Saiki interjects.

Yeah, okay, I need to find a way to block him and a way to block me out because this is not going to work. Nobody is supposed to hear or see me screaming 505 at three A.M. That is the time when I'm in my feels.

Saiki suggests a geranium ring that blocks out my mind reading

'If you had the ring why don't you wear it?' I ask him. He always is complaining about how he hates his powers so why doesn't he just wear the ring?

'Because it blocks my powers' He responds to me.

'But you hate your- never mind'

Germanium huh? That might work. Oh, I forgot to explain what I'm doing right now, I'm walking to school.

Saiki is around three paces behind me, acting like I can't see him. Like bruh, going invisible isn't going to work on me. I wish it would.

My shoes click on the sidewalk as I skip down the pavement. My bag jumps up and down as I jump over the cracks like a little child.

As I skip the cracks with Saiki trailing behind me, someone with purple hair as bright as mine comes and waltzes into my path.

He has a white headband and his uniform is not well kept. "Heyyy how are you, pretty lady? Saiki, do you know this beautiful girl?" he asks Saiki right behind me.

Normal people aren't supposed to be able to see him. What the fuck?

'He can see you?' I ask Saiki's inner voice as we continue to walk to school as the purple haired boy walks alongside me. Very awkward actually. He's like checking me out and it's really weird.

The boy continues to try to bother me to the point where it could be close to sexual assault and I'm not having it. By the looks of it, Saiki isn't either. Within seconds, Saiki teleports next to the guy and karate chops him in the back of the neck.

The boy with purple hair falls to the ground without catching himself and a loud-ish thud is heard that shakes the pavement a bit. The boy lays face first on the sidewalk with all of his limbs sprawled out.

I chuckle from the reaction that he gives and look over and Saiki that you could tell is pleased with his actions but has too much of an ego to show it.

'I do not have an ego!' Saiki defends, clearly hurt at what I just said about him.

Rolling my eyes I answer, 'Yes, the fuck you do'

He scoffs as we continue to walk to school side by side, leaving the boy with the headband on the floor without any explanation. 'Oh, yeah? You do too' he smuggly says back as we reach the front gates of our school.

Walking through the gates, we head up to the second year floor and walk into class. 'At least I can admit it'


Saiki's Pov:

As class begins, the teacher tells us to get our notes out to start class as I see something outside the window. From what it looks like, it's some sort of light ball that is flying around but it seems pretty small.

The ball flying outside the classroom suddenly erupts into a million pieces. The words 'Fuck you Saiki!!' emerge from the sky. When the fireworks go off, I realize that I'm the only one that can see it.

The only person capable of doing this is Y/n. When I look over at Y/n's desk, I notice her trying to hold back her laugh.

I bite my tongue, trying to restrain myself from lynching her. Instead I flick the side of her face.

When my finger made contact with her face, she flinches. "Ow, what the fuck" she says. Her eyebrows scrunch and she licks the front of her teeth. A sharp pain came in contact with my lower back.

That bitch kicked me!!

The teacher looks over to us with a stern look and raises an eyebrow. Y/n puts her foot down and crosses her legs under her desk.


It's practically the end of lunch period and Y/n isn't back yet. Not that I care but if she doesn't come back for end period, she's gonna get marked for skipping, it's only her second day here.

A bolt of purple flashes by me. I could have sworn that it was Y/n. My assumption was correct when Y/n comes running back.

She appears in front of me, hyperventilating and kind of sweaty. "What happened to you?" I ask her as she leans on the table for support, trying to catch a breath.

"Gosh, that was a lot of blocks, give me a minute" she says with both of her hands intertwined, on the back of her head.

Once she finally can get her lungs to function once again, she throws a velvet bag onto the table.

Y/n motions for me to open the bag. I hesitate to touch the bag but when I grab the bag, I can feel a circular object. After feeling the bag around for a little bit, I open the velvet bag and inside of it, there's a ring.

The ring is just a simple, thick, black, matte band with a glossy black stripe in the center of the ring.

What the fuck? I look at her with confusion and hold up the ring slightly. "What's this? Are you- proposing?" I wave the ring in front of her face, asking what the hell she's trying to do.

She gives a stifle chuckle and shakes her head lightly. "No, you dumb shit." She pulls her hand out of her pocket and shows me her hand. Her hand has more than one ring on her hand but one stands out more than the others.

It's a ring the same color and same design as the one I'm holding. The band is on her pointer finger, her other rings are on any other finger. "They're geranium rings. The small stripe down the middle is a thin strip of geranium, enough to block us from hearing each other's thoughts" she clarifies as she puts her hand down.

"So, what? Do you want me to wear it?" I ask as I inspect the band.

"Yes." she answers. Damn, fucking blunt. Okay, I'll wear it if it gets her to shut up.

I sigh and put the ring on my pointer finger as well. It clashes with my color scheme but at least she got the right size. I squeeze my hand in a few times before the bell rings.

Y/n looks over at me and drags me from the table to the classroom. Wow, it's actually working, I can't read her thoughts. This might not be as bad as I thought...

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