Chapter Twenty Four

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Joanna suddenly burst through the door carrying Cathleen. Kincaid and Barclay had jumped up and were ready to attack. They lowered their weapons when they saw her. Cathleen suddenly clung close to Joanna. Fear was in the little girl's eyes as the highlanders stared at her. "Aílis, I need your help," Joanna said urgently. Aílis came close to examine the little girl. Cathleen squealed in protested. "Cathleen, I swear she will not hurt you. She only wishes to help," Joanna said. The little girl was not convinced. "It may be best if the men leave the room," Aílis suggested. Joanna looked to Kincaid. He nodded understanding. Kincaid and Barclay went in the other room where Joanna could hear Carney and Marian playing. Joanna walked to the bed. She set Cathleen on the bed. The little girl stood there. "What is the problem?" Aílis asked. Joanna didn't have the heart to say. She took Aílis's hand and gently placed it on Cathleen's back. Aílis felt the ridges. "Whipped?" Aílis asked horrified. Joanna nodded feeling tears sting in her eyes.

"Did your maid give you any medicine to put on your back?" Aílis asked Cathleen.

She glanced at Joanna and then shook her head. "I must examine the cuts. If they are infected it will not be good," Aílis said.

Joanna reacted by untying the back of Cathleen's dress. They pulled the dress down to were it ridded on the little girl's hips. The picture that was painted on Cathleen's back was horrifying. Joanna slapped a hand to her mouth, and a lump formed in her throat. She couldn't look at it. Large whip marks that were scabbed over crisscrossed on her back. The skin around each mark was red and irritated. The lashes looked red, white, and yellow. "They're infected. I'll have to get rid of the infection," Aílis said. Joanna knew what that meant. Cathleen never liked pain. The process of removing an infection was not good. As Aílis began to boil water over the fire Joanna laid blankets on the floor for Cathleen to lay on. Joanna lifted the little girl off the bed and held Cathleen on her hip. She went to the door of the other room. "Kincaid," she called. Kincaid stood from his seat and came to his wife's aid. He went into the other room. "I need your help. The wounds on her back are infected. I must help Aílis. You need to keep her quiet. If Rena hears her we are all in danger," Joanna explained.

"I will do my best, love," he said.

Kincaid peered at the little girl's back. A gruesome sight. Too gruesome for a little girl to have on her back. "You remember Sir Kincaid?" Joanna asked. Cathleen nodded and her grip on Joanna's neck tightened. "He will not hurt you. I trust him with my life. I have to help my friend. Sir Kincaid is going to hold you," Joanna explained. Cathleen protested. "Please, Cathleen. I promise he will not harm you," Joanna begged. Cathleen still squealed and held tight in protest to be passed on. "He took you away!" she cried. Joanna sighed.

"Cathleen," Kincaid said, "I know I took your sister away. The reason I did was because I love her. I love your sister dearly. I know I've done you wrong, but I promise I will not hurt you."

Cathleen stared at him. "I only want to help you," Kincaid assured. Finally Cathleen nodded and Joanna passed the little girl to Kincaid. Joanna went to help Aílis. Kincaid sat on his knees on the floor. Cathleen stood there in front of him. "Now I'll be here to hold your hand, Cathleen. I need you to be a big little lass, alright?" Kincaid asked. Cathleen nodded. "Your sister and my dear friend Aílis are going to help you," Kincaid assured her. Suddenly the two women came to the blankets. They had Cathleen lay on her stomach. Her chin rested on a pillow. Kincaid sat in front of the young girl. He was prepared to put a hand over her mouth to muffle her. Aílis suddenly pulled a knife from the boiling water. The blade was hot and clean. Kincaid suddenly felt a little hand slip into his. Cathleen gripped his hand.

Joanna carefully took a warm rag and patted down Cathleen's back. Even that simple task hurt Cathleen. She hissed in pain and squirmed. Joanna's task when Aílis began to work was to hold Cathleen. The moment of truth came. Joanna held Cathleen's shoulders. Kincaid readied himself to close her mouth. Aílis sat over Cathleen's legs to keep her from kicking around too much. "Get ready," Aílis said. She then began her work. Cathleen screamed a blood curdling scream. Kincaid put his large hand over her mouth. Joanna's heart was breaking to hear her screams. She wanted to tell Aílis to stop, but what they were doing was to save Cathleen's life. Blood and pus spilled from the wounds. Aílis had to carve out the infection. With each lash opened Cathleen screamed more and more. Cathleen's small heels slapped into Aílis's backside. It was a horrible thing to witness, but everything they did was to help her. Even if it was too painful for them to watch.


By the end of it Cathleen silently cried. She had screamed so much her voice was hoarse. She lay now on the bed on her stomach. Her entire back was covered in bandages. Her blood soaked through the white gauze. Aílis and Joanna cleaned while Kincaid sat on the bed with Cathleen. Barclay had come into the room and leaned against the wall. "She can't move until the lashes stop bleeding. I've managed to cut out all the infection out, but the pain will still be there until they scab over properly," Aílis explained washing her hands off. "Why was her back so ridged before?" Kincaid asked.

"The nurse mustn't have been allowed to treat her wounds. The scabs healed ridged against her dress," Aílis explained.

"How long until she can ride?" Joanna asked.

All was silent. "What do you mean?" Aílis asked. Joanna looked up from the fire. "I intend to pry my sisters from Rena and Andrew's grasp. I need to know how soon she can ride with Barclay and Marian back to the Highlands," she explained.

"It should take several weeks for her to be able to ride a horse. But if she were to ride in a wagon then two weeks," Aílis said.

Barclay stirred uneasily. "What is it?" Kincaid asked. The soldier pushed off the wall. "I don't see how we can get two children out of this castle. Rena wants them to be prisoners, and one way or another she will have them as that," Barclay said.

"I have every faith in you, my friend. We have two weeks to figure out an escape," Kincaid assured.

"I will not put my wife and son in danger," he said.

"Please Barclay. I know this is a risk, but they are in more danger just sitting here waiting to be punished by Rena than escaping," Joanna begged.

All of them looked at Barclay. "Please Barclay," Aílis begged. They all watched him waiting for his answer. He suddenly sighed. "Alright. I will take the little princesses, but I will also take my son. He should not be here," Barclay said. Aílis embraced her husband and Joanna rewarded him with a small peck on the cheek.

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