Chapter Thirty Six

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Kincaid was thrown into the cell with his men. The thick wooden door was slammed shut and bolt locked. Kincaid picked himself up and ran to the door. He slammed his fists on the door and growled in anger. He was only met with the laughter of Daven's men. The chieftain growled in frustration and pushed off the door. Kincaid frantically looked around the dirty cell for anything to pry the door open. Barclay saw his distress. He ran up to Kincaid and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Kincaid! Get ahold of yourself!" Barclay growled. Kincaid shoved him off, "Get off!" Kincaid found a large rock. He picked it up and began to hammer on the door. When he realized it was no use, he began to slam his shoulder into the door. "KINCAID!" Barclay shouted. Barclay ran up and shoved Kincaid off the door. "What are you doing?!? We have to get out of here!" Kincaid growled.

"We aren't getting anywhere with you beating on the door like a crazed animal!" Barclay shouted.

"It's more than standing around like defenseless old women!" Kincaid retorted.

"You're not thinking straight!" Barclay shouted.


"KINCAID! You have to calm down," Barclay said through gritted teeth.

"How are you calm? You're wife and son are up there with my family facing death. My father and that crazy bitch could careless if they died," Kincaid hissed.

"I know! I am in the same boat as you, brother. I want to tear that door down same as you, but that will get me nowhere!" Barclay shouted once more.

Kincaid stood in silence. Fury radiated off his entire being. "Banging on that door will get us nowhere. We will never break it down. The best thing we can do is to remain calm and think things through. It's a delicate situation. You should know better than anyone what it means to be in a situation where your every move could mean your death," Barclay said calming down. Kincaid took a deep breath remembering his childhood. He may not have been the son of a king, but being the son of a chief with many enemies put him in difficult situations. "You're right brother," Kincaid sighed. Kincaid leaned against the wall and calmed himself. All of them sat in silence.

"We need a plan," one of the men called. All of them men agreed. "We can't do anything. Not until we know what we're up against," Kincaid barked. Suddenly they heard a door bolt unlock and swing open. "Someone's here to see you, savage," the guard growled. Kincaid went to the bars of the cell door and suddenly saw Joanna. "Joanna!" he exclaimed. He snaked his hand through the bar to reach her. She rushed forward and let his hand touch her cheek and wipe away her tears. Joanna held back sobs for his sake. "Are you alright? What has she done?" he asked frantically.

"Everything is fine. But I have information for you," she said gravely.

"What is it?" he asked.

Joanna appeared to be choking on the words, "Your father and my sister are....lovers."

Kincaid felt like vomiting. This was low even for someone like his father. "Why would he do that?" he asked.

"He's manipulating Rena for his bidding. He's lied to her about his position in the Highlands. Rena believes she holds vast land and political advantage in the Highlands. She hasn't realized that all she's done is bedded a thief," Joanna said.

"He's must being trying to gain power. I know my father, and he wouldn't be able to stand in the same room as Rena let alone bed her," Kincaid said.

"I have to warn her. If Daven gets control of Britannia then all will be lost. I don't have any proof that this is his plan though," Joanna said.

"I'll see what I can do. My father will be down here soon to flaunt his 'glorious' triumph," Kincaid said.

Kincaid looked down into Joanna's arms to see his son. Kincaid reached down as far as he could. His finger tips barely brushed the top of the infant's head. Joanna carefully shifted Bran in her arms and held him up to his father. Kincaid lightly stroked Brans head. He savored every touch. He didn't know when he'd see his son or wife again. "Times up," the guard growled. Kincaid brought his hand up to Joanna's cheek once more. She lightly kissed his palm. He retracted his arm and put his face to the bars. Joanna stood on her toes and kissed his lips. The guard grunted with impatience. Against their will they pulled away. Tears stung in Joanna's eyes as she walked away from the cell door. Kincaid watched every last step she took out of the dungeon. His heart felt like it was breaking, and his soul cried out. Kincaid pried himself away from the bars and faced his men. He looked to Barclay, "I swear to you brother that we will free our wives and children," he faces all his men, "And I swear to you that we will be free once more. I would rather die fighting than live in fear." His men gave an approving holler.


It took every ounce of strength to not turn around. Joanna walked stiffly towards her chambers. Her chambers were her cell. She crept inside the silent room. Her sisters and Carney lay sleeping on the bed huddled together. Aílis sat next to them looking distraught. She suddenly looked to Joanna and jumped to her feet. "How are they?" she whispered. "They're fine. They just have a few scrapes from fighting," Joanna answered. Aílis let out a small sigh of relief, but she wasn't relaxed. Both women were worrying on the inside. Joanna gently laid Bran down on a bed of furs. Both women sat next to each other and grasped each other's hands. "I'm so scared, Aílis," she admitted.

"I am too," she answered, "We have to be strong. For both our husbands and children."

"Daven is lying to my sister. He has convinced her he is rich and powerful in the Highlands. He must be after the crown," Joanna said.

"He must be. He wouldn't have bedded your sister just to sleep with her," Aílis answered.

"I have to convince her of Daven's deceit. If we can't convince her to trust us, then we must convince her that her alliance isn't," Joanna said gravely.


Sorry for the forever long updates. It just takes me a little while to get the chapters to where I want them to be. Hang in there. I promise there's more to come.

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