Chapter Eleven

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Joanna sat in Aílis's home just waiting to find the right moment about her new found love for Kincaid. Aílis was in the other room laying her son down for a nap. The woman returned to the main room shutting the door behind her.

"So what is it you want to tell me?" Aílis asked.

Joanna looked at her confused, "How did you know?"

"You have been fidgeting since you arrived. I can tell when something is off," Aílis said.

Joanna blushed. "And judging by the bruise on the side of your neck you and Kincaid had a chaotic night," Aílis finished. Joanna stared at her in shock. Aílis shrugged.

"That was his definition of gentle," Joanna smiled nervously.

Aílis smirked. "So how was it?" she asked.

Joanna couldn't describe the feelings. Only one word came to mind. "It was intimate," Joanna said. Aílis chuckled. Joanna found it strange this woman was interested in Kincaid's life.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why is it you have such an interest in Kincaid? How do you know so much about him?" Joanna asked.

"Kincaid and I grew up together. My brother and he were best friends. I saw him often and I watched him rise to the title of chief," Aílis said.

Joanna nodded. "You are basically the sister he never had?" Joanna asked. Aílis nodded.

Joanna was very thankful for this woman. Without her company things would have been more challenging then they have been. Joanna suddenly realized how long she had been there. "Please forgive me, but I must go. Kincaid will be in a panic if he arrives home and I'm not there," Joanna said.

"Good luck my friend. And I do mean good luck," Aílis gave her a look.

Joanna hid a blush and left Aílis's home.


When Kincaid arrived home he saw Joanna like he hoped. The aroma of stew filled the house. It smelt heavenly. Joanna looked from the pot to him. She shook her head at him.

"I will never understand how you run around in the cold without a covering Chief Kincaid," she said.

He walked towards her. "One of my many talents," he said kissing her neck.

He continued to kiss her neck trying to coax her. She suddenly hissed in pain, and slapped her hand to her neck. "What's wrong?" Kincaid asked. Joanna removed her hand to reveal a bruise. "One of your marks," she said. Kincaid smirked satisfied with his handy work. He lightly rubbed it with his thumb. He saw her shiver. He knew he was getting to her. "I can leave new ones if you wish my lady," he whispered. Joanna felt the heat rise in her cheeks. She didn't know how to react. Suddenly Kincaid's arms snaked around her waist. He pulled her to his chest.

Joanna tried to contain herself but it was getting harder and harder. Kincaid felt her resisting, but she was slowly giving in. He kissed her neck softly. How he loved the taste of her skin. Joanna could take it no longer. She turned around quick as a flash and crashed her lips to his.


After that one moment the love never stopped. Joanna and Kincaid were happy. The intimacy never ended. They were making love when ever they could. They were like wild rabbits. Don't be fooled. They didn't love each other because of the friction they caused. They put each other's feelings before anything else.

Things had become more prosperous since the two fell in love. The winter passed and turned to spring. Nature flourished and so did the people. Everything was content for a few short months. Andrew had stopped raiding the borders in the middle of winter and things were at peace. One thing though that plagues Joanna's mind was her family. She loved her life with Kincaid, but she missed her sisters and her father. She was longing to see them just once. She never told Kincaid of her grievances. She didn't want to make him feel guilt.

On a certain night Kincaid and Joanna lay in romantic embrace. Their lips moved together, and their tongues fought. Kincaid lay atop her and began to trail his kisses down her neck. She gasped and moaned. Suddenly the door to their chambers opened. Kincaid rolled off and Joanna fought to cover herself. Barclay stood staring at them in their almost full glory.

"Did I interrupt?" he asked.

Kincaid laughed, "Only just. Any later and you would have seen more than you bargained for!"

Joanna felt herself becoming red. "I'm sure that would have been most interesting," Barclay teased. Joanna rolled her eyes. Men could be pigs. "Barclay, could this possibly wait till tomorrow?" she asked. Barclay chuckled.

"Of course I can wait, it's just our unexpected guest might not," he said leaving.

"Who is the guest?" Joanna asked.

Barclay looked back in the room, "I cannot say. All I know is she needs to see you."

Barclay left the room. Joanna jumped up with Kincaid behind her. She quickly put a robe on. She saw Kincaid pull his kilt on. Joanna tied her robe and headed into the outer room. Who Joanna saw was something shocking.

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