Chapter Nine

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Joanna had helped Kincaid into his own bed to rest. She snuck out of the house and found her black steed grazing quietly at the rear of the home. She mounted up and began to ride towards the Seer's home. She could barely remember where it was. She rode into the village and children followed after her. She suddenly saw Aílis and Barclay. Aílis held her son while Barcly walked with her. She rode to them.

"Aílis," Joanna called.

The woman looked from her child to Joanna and smiled.

"I need to know where the Seer is. Do you know where I can find him?" She asked.

Aílis nodded, "Just follow this rode out of the village towards the outskirts. Why do you need to see him?"

"Kincaid was hurt, and I need herbs to disinfect his wound," Joanna answered.

Without anther word passed between the two Joanna rode off. She followed the rode passing people with carts full of crops. She saw the shack in sight. She quickly dismounted and went to the shack. Carefully opening the door the scent of burning herbs filled her nose. She came in and quickly shut the door behind her.

"Come closer, child," a raspy voice called.

Joanna walked towards the cloaked figure, "I need herbs. Healing herbs for..."

"I know who they are for child," he interrupted, "You need them for your husband who was injured by soldiers."

"Soldiers?" Joanna asked, "You must be mistaken. He was attacked by a ban of farmers."

"No, dear child. Small parties of soldiers of Prince Andrew have been invading the border. Chief Kincaid was unlucky this day," he said.

It made no sense. Why would he keep this secret from her? The Seer held a bag out to her. Joanna took it and quietly left. Joanna mounted and made her way back to Kincaid's home. When she returned Kincaid was awake. She could see him sitting up in his bed chambers. She dropped her cloak and quickly went to his aid. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Better. In a way," he answered.

Joanna saw the bloody bandages. She acted quickly. She took a small bit of boiling water and the herbs and dumped them into a bowl. She mixed them together until they became a dry paste. She returned to Kincaid with the herb paste and fresh bandages. She unwrapped his leg and disposed of the bloody cloth. Carefully she applied the paste to his leg. He hissed a bit. "Sorry," she apologized. "No, no, it's fine, love," Kincaid said. Joanna continued to apply the herbs. She rewrapped his leg and was finished. Joanna had questions that needed to be answered, but from how tired Kincaid looked she decided not to ask any questions.

"You should rest," she suggested.

"What ever you say, love," he said laying back.

Joanna collected all of her items and left his room to sleep. "Thank you, Joanna," he called. She looked from the door way at him. That was the first time he had ever addressed her by her name. She liked the sound of her name rolling off his tongue for some reason. She simply nodded and shut the door.


Five days passed and Joanna had continued to help Kincaid heal. He was able to walk now, but wasn't well enough to train. For five days Joanna dare not question Kincaid. She had to wait for the right time, but curiosity was eating away at her. She held her tongue though. Over the few days though Joanna became very fond of Kincaid's company. It seems the injury and care she was showing him let the real side of him appear. She no longer saw an arrogant fool, but a true handsome gentleman.

Kincaid walked from his bed chambers scratching the back of his head.

"I have been stuck in this home for several days. I must get outside, woman," he complained.

She rolled her eyes, "You will not leave this house until I've changed your bandages. Which reminds me I must fetch more herbs for your leg."

Kincaid groaned and sat down. "Hurry back so I may get fresh air," he said.

She chuckled and left. She mounted her horse and began to ride towards the Seer's home. She greeted the people as she passed through the village. Once more she received herbs from the old Seer when she returned to his shack. She had tried to question him further on the soldiers, but the Seer turned her away and told her to ask her husband. Joanna grabbed the reins of her steed and began to walk down the road. Joanna suddenly noticed three men trailing behind her. She had an eerie feeling. She tried to keep calm and continued on. She suddenly heard the men begin to speed up. She remained calm. Suddenly she was jerked around to face them.

"Well aren't you a pretty one," one said.

"I have nothing you men want," she said clutching the pouch of herbs to her chest.

They laughed, "You're wrong on that, dearie. There is."

Joanna opened her mouth to scream, but the man slapped her. "Shut up you bitch!" he growled.

Joanna fell to the ground holding her cheek. "You lads make her stay quiet," the man said. She heard him begin to fumble with his breeches.

Suddenly she heard running footsteps then a yell of pain. She looked from the ground and saw the man on the ground now. Standing before her was Kincaid. He kicked the man on the ground in the gut. He grabbed the man by his shirt and held him off the ground.

"Were you planning to rape her? Hmm!" Kincaid asked furiously.

Joanna couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Kincaid got a hand around the man's neck. "Answer the question, you bastard," Kincaid began to squeeze.

"Ye...yes," the man wheezed.

"If I ever see any of you three near my wife...," Kincaid began.

"We didn't bloomin' know she was your wife, great chief," the man gasped.

Kincaid squeezed harder. "The women of this village are not your whores! Especially my wife!" Kincaid growled.

He threw the man to the ground. "All of you leave this place. If I find you harassing any of the women of this village you will answer to me," Kincaid threatened.

The man picked himself up and they scattered. Joanna stared at Kincaid. His chest was heaving, and he had his full weight on his left leg. Joanna tried to control herself, but tears began to form in her eyes. Kincaid heard her begin to cry and looked to her. How it broke his heart to see her this way. Joanna was surprised to see Kincaid's expression. It wasn't one of anger, but of heart felt concern.

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