Chapter Thirty Seven

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All through the night Joanna and Aílis took shifts. One would lay down and sleep next to the children while the other stayed awake with a blade incase Rena or Daven had decided to take their anger out on them. It was a slim chance that Rena and Daven had their prisoners on their minds. There was probably one thing on their mind at the moment. Joanna cringed at the thought as she stocked the fire. Aílis lay on her side on the bed stroking Bran's small head and humming. Joanna's son lay on his back pressed with his side pressed against Aílis. Joanna listened to her friend's humming in attempts to calm her nerves. At some point Joanna had fallen asleep hunched over in a chair. They were all woken by a loud knocking on their door. Joanna jumped and Aílis sat up. None of the children stirred. Aílis carefully slipped out of bed and grabbed the blade sitting on the nightstand. Cautiously the two women walked towards the door. Joanna reached out and carefully opened the door a bit. "All of you are requested in the throne room as soon as you're ready," a guard said gruffly. "We will be ready. Thank you," Joanna said. The guard simply grunted and walked away. Joanna shut the door and let out a sigh of relief.

"We must hurry. They won't be happy to be kept waiting," Aílis said with a hint of sarcasm. Before attending to the children, both women dressed and readied themselves. By the time they had dressed the children had awoken. Aílis stood lacing up the little girls' dresses while Joanna rocked Bran in her arms. Carney sat on the bed watching his mother. When both girls were ready all six of them headed down to the throne room. As they entered they heard giggling. Marian and Cathleen hid behind them while Carney held his mother's hand. Upon entering Joanna saw Daven seated on the throne with Rena in his lap. Daven nuzzled his mouth against her neck and whispered something to her. Judging by Rena's reaction it was something that shouldn't be said in front of others. Joanna cleared her throat. Rena looked up and shot daggers at her sister. "Only the king is supposed to sit in that throne," Joanna said hotly. Daven looked displeased by her comment. "This is MY kingdom, sister. What I say goes. If I allow Lord Daven to sit upon the throne, he shall," Rena retorted.

"You shame our father's memory by allowing this," Joanna growled.

"You shamed our father when you let that savage between your legs," Rena shot back.

"We are in the same boat, sister. I'm not the only one who let a highlander in my bed. At least I had the decency to marry him first," Joanna smirked.

Rena's face turned red. Daven chuckled at their small quarrel, but Joanna knew behind it he was imaging slapping her. It was a small victory that Joanna would pay for later. Both Daven and Rena stood from the throne. "Lord Daven, please retrieve the chieftain from the dungeons," Rena said with a sly smirk. Joanna was going to pay for her victory now. Daven pressed his lips to her sister's neck savagely and left in quick strides to fetch Kincaid. "You must learn, Joanna, that I will not tolerate such childish antics," Rena said gracefully taking the throne. Joanna knew this was her chance to tell Rena. "Rena," Joanna said.

"Your highness," she corrected.

"Your highness," Joanna sighed annoyed, "Daven is cheating you. He has no influence, title, or money."

"Really, sister? Lies?" Rena chastised.

"It's the truth. Daven was banished from Kincaid's tribe when he refused to give up his title to Kincaid. He's lying to you to get to the throne," Joanna explained.

"For that he would have to have a child with me, and as you can see," Rena gestured to her stomach, "I have denied his seed in my womb."

Before the conversation could continue, the sound of chains rattling echoed through the hall. Joanna quickly looked to see her husband stumbling in. His face and chest were dirtied with sweat, blood, and dirt. Bruises ran up and down his arms and chest from a struggle. His blonde hair was wet from sweating below in the dungeons. His eyes didn't hold the glimmer of mischief that Joanna so desperately loved and longed to see return. Daven shoved Kincaid to his knees, and Joanna resisted the urge to run towards him. Daven stood behind him and grabbed a fistful of Kincaid's hair; pulling his head to look up at the group of women. "The mighty warrior brought to his knees," Rena snickered. Kincaid had a cocky smirk on his lips when he spit blood on his father's face. Daven stumbled back wiping his face. "My body may be broken, but my spirit I assure you isn't," Kincaid chuckled. Daven growled when he let his fist collide with the side of Kincaid's jaw. "ENOUGH!" Joanna hollered. Daven looked at her in rage, and Rena looked shocked.

Joanna turned on her heels to face Rena, "You may have some kind of personal vendetta with us, but I will not allow this sort of torture to be done in front of children." Rena sat still as a statue glaring daggers at her sister. "You are punishing us not the children. If you wish to continue your pathetic little game then allow me to take the children back to my chambers," Joanna fumed. She was tired of begging. She was tired of being afraid. Rena wanted to drag everyone into their quarrel to make Joanna softer and weaker, but Joanna would not stand for it. Out of the corner of her eye Joanna could see Kincaid smirking with a bloody lip, and Daven looked outraged. Rena's icy glare never faltered until finally she rolled her eyes and groaned, "FINE! Take those damn brats away. They give me a splintering headache just to look at them." Rena rested her elbow on the arm of the throne and began to rub her temple with her fingers. Joanna glanced one last time at her husband. Cradling Bran closer to her, Joanna and Aílis began to lead the children to their chambers. Joanna saw tears glistening in Marian and Cathleen's eyes as they stared with large eyes at Kincaid. Aílis urged them on, and the little girls followed. Joanna felt a pit settle in her stomach.

She may have just sealed their fate, but she did one thing that Joanna saw shook Rena. She showed Rena and Daven she was not afraid to play their little game.

Hey everybody,
I'm so sorry about the FOREVER long hiatus. A lot of stuff came up, and I had a serious case of writers block. I promise I'll try to write and update more frequent.

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