Chapter Fifteen

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A few days later Joanna held the reins of her horse while Marian sat atop the beast's bare black back. Joanna led Marian around the first near her home. Kincaid disappeared that morning to deal with his father. While Marian had stayed with Aílis she had helped greatly with Aílis's son. Marian was always responsible with small children. She had to watch over Cathleen because they use to share a room. Marian had told Joanna that Rena had put Cathleen in a different room with a heavy door and lock. The same went for Marian. With each instance Marian told to Joanna of Rena it fueled an angry fire inside of her.

"Do you know if you are with child yet Joanna?" Marian asked.

Joanna looked to her sister who stared at her with curious eyes. "No I'm not with child," Joanna said hiding her disappointment.

"You should be considering how often Kincaid is bedding you," Marian said.

"Marian!" Joanna gasped.

Marian giggled, "I was only guessing judging by what I had seen when I arrived." Joanna gave her a look. "And Aílis told me of your endeavors," Marian added. Joanna laughed. They laughed for some time. Joanna couldn't hide though her disappointment of not carrying Kincaid's child. Marian must have seen this. "If it makes you feel better Rena is not with child either. It surprises me though considering she and Andrew never stop," Marian said.

Joanna could only imagine how Marian knew this. Joanna was afraid to ask but before she had a chance Marian answered her curious look.

"Rena is always all over Andrew. It doesn't matter if it is in the middle of a feast, joust, speech, or just sitting in the throne room. She is determined to bed him every second of the day," Marian explained.

"And Andrew hasn't tried to stop her? To try and contain her?" Joanna asked.

Joanna remembered Andrew was not one for being very intimate. The most intimate they had ever been in their childhood was when he kissed her cheek in the gardens once.

"Andrew wants every minute of it. He once forced her upon the table in the middle of a feast," Marian said.

Joanna was repulsed, "Surely not!"

Marian nodded, "I watched him. If our nurse maid hadn't collected Cathleen and I we would have seen so much more."

Joanna was furious. Joanna only wanted to do one thing at the moment, and that was to have Rena feel pain. Hatred boiled inside of her. Joanna stopped the horse and came to Marian's side. Tears brimmed Joanna's eyes.

"I am so sorry. The hell you have gone through is my fault," Joanna said tears trickling down her cheeks.

"Joanna it is not your fault. It is Rena's because of her own selfish ambitions and hatred for us," Marian assured.

Joanna smiled. She often forgot Marian was only seven. The way she talked was so mature it was almost unbelievable. That was why Rena hated Marian. Marian was unbelievably mature and smart for seven. Rena hated it that her own sister was smarter than her when she herself was not that bright at seven summers. Jealousy or not it didn't justify trapping your own sisters in their chambers.

"I am so sorry I was not there Marian. I should have been there," Joanna apologized.

"Joanna, you didn't know what was happening. When you moved away there was no way you could have seen this happening," Marian reassured.

Joanna still felt guilty, but Marian was right. Joanna was with Kincaid in the Highlands while everything unfolded. She couldn't have known. Joanna took a steadying breath. "Alright. Now move forward," Joanna said. Marian moved forward and Joanna climbed upon the horse behind her.


Joanna and Marian rode into town. They were greeted by many of the villagers. Many wanted to see Marian. Joanna saw Marian shift uncomfortably under all the people's gaze. Joanna laughed. "This happened to me often when I first arrived," Joanna said. A group of young girls Marian's age appeared suddenly. They laughed and giggled. Marian stared at them. Joanna felt her shift with restlessness to go play. "Marian, if you wish you may go play with those girls," Joanna said. Marian nodded with excitement. Joanna helped her slide down off the horse.

Joanna watched her run off towards the small children. The only time you would ever see Marian act her age would be around children of her age. Joanna steered her horse out of the rode. Joanna watched as the group of girls accepted Marian into their little group.

Marian was content playing with these new girls. In Britannia Marian never had friends beyond the children of the servants and her sisters. In the midst of her playing she happened to glance at Joanna. Marian saw within a split second a man jump upon Joanna's horse. Marian watched as Joanna screamed, and the man kicked the stallion. The horse galloped out of the village. Marian knew what she had to do.

"KINCAID!" Marian shouted.

Marian ran towards the center of town. She was searching for the hall. She was screaming Kincaid's name. She knew people were staring at her, but she didn't care. She finally saw a large building.

"KINCAID!" she screamed again.

A group of men filed out of the building. She saw Kincaid push forward. Kincaid's eyes locked on to the small girl running towards him. She ran right into him. He kneeled down holding her by her shoulders. "Marian, what is wrong?" he asked as she tried to catch her breath.

"Some man.... has... Joanna! She's in danger!" Marian managed to say.

Kincaid had fire in his eyes. He sprang up and ran towards his horse. "Barclay, watch Marian," he ordered. Kincaid quickly galloped off as fast as the horse would carry him.

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