Chapter Thirty Eight

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Three days passed and the torture continued. Kincaid was presented to Joanna and beaten by Daven. It broke her heart to have to witness this brutal display, but she had to remain strong and still as a statue.

Kincaid spit a mouth full of blood onto the stone floor of the throne room. He looked up to his father with a bloody grin. "You're getting frail, old man," he taunted with his blonde hair over his eyes. Daven raised his hand to strike. "That is enough. Put him back in his hole," Rena interrupted. Daven growled but did as his "Queen" commanded. Joanna sat still and stern as she watched Daven drag away her husband. The physical abuse would soon wear his body out, and he would no longer be the strong man she has always known him to be. It had to stop. "What sick pleasure do you get from this?" Joanna finally spoke. Rena stared at the side of Joanna's face for sometime. Joanna looked to her sister who was in thought. "I can see the pain in your eyes. That pain brings me pleasure," she replied, "You try so hard to mask it, but I can see it. For years I hid mine, and now I can see yours." Rena suddenly stood and began to walk away. Joanna felt anger pool in her being. She stood up and shouted, "What have I ever done to you? I showed you every love and affection a sister could, and this is how I'm repaid? Some childish grudge that you wish to take out upon me!" Rena stopped in her tracks. Joanna saw her ball her fists, and the muscles in her back tense. Rena spun around on her heels and glared at her sister. "Do you know what it's like to walk in a room and know that you are the least favorite? That no one will ever adore or admire you as much as your damn sister!?! My own husband loved you more than me!" Rena cried. Tears glistened in her sister's eyes.

"You knew Andrew's true feelings! You knew that he still loved me!" Joanna retorted.

"That didn't mean I did not love him!" Rena shouted.

The room suddenly became eerily silent. Rena's face turned to stone as she realized what she had just admitted. Joanna stood rigid and in shock as Rena straightened up, "This conversation is over!" She stormed out of the hall, leaving Joanna and the quiet behind. The maddening silence was interrupted by chuckling. Joanna turned to see Daven with an evil smirk plastered on his face. "She is a spoiled child," he smiled. "A spoiled child you bed every night," Joanna retorted in disgust.

"She may be your little sister, but she is far from a child," Daven smirked shaking his head.

Joanna was repulsed, "How can you live with yourself? Deceiving your only son? Making an innocent woman believe she has your love?"

"Innocent is a far stretch, don't you think?" he asked walking to the throne and sitting down.

He slung his legs over the arm and slumped down looking at her, "A woman who would let her people starve is not innocent."

"A man who would kill his own son is not innocent," Joanna shot back.

"The world is cruel, and only the cruel survive, my dear," he argued.

Joanna knew this conversation was going nowhere, so she began to take her leave. "Speaking of innocence. You aren't exactly 'innocent' yourself," Daven spoke after her. Joanna's better judgement told her not to engage in the conversation, but she still turned on her heels and replied, "How so?" Daven smirked, "You didn't exactly go running to your husband when I threatened you those many months ago."

"A wife does what she must for the well being of her husband," she replied.

"But not her child?" Daven tested.

"Are you accusing me of neglecting my child?" Joanna asked.

"Am I?" he asked, feigning curiosity.

Joanna grit her teeth, "I did what I had to, to ensure my husband was sane and my child was born healthy. Kincaid would have stressed himself to death hunting you down which would have put stress on myself."

"Oooh. So quick to rile. I wonder how long it would take to have that little body begging me to touch it," Daven flirted.

Joanna felt her face turn red in anger. How dare he? "Do not forget, Daven, you are sleeping with my sister. She does not take too kindly to sharing," Joanna retorted. Daven stood up. Before another word was spoken, Joanna stormed from the room down the hall. She suddenly felt herself grabbed roughly and pushed against the stone wall. Daven's body was pressed against hers, and Joanna's body tried to coil away in disgust. "Listen here, woman. That little bitch does not tell me what to do. I do what I want, who I want, whenever I want. I take what I want, and if that happens to be you? Well...expect yourself to be lying on your back, in my chambers, screaming my name," he furiously whispered to her. Bile formed in Joanna's throat as his lips grazed against her neck, and she felt his hard press against her leg. His hands gripped her waist tightly. She managed to work her knee up and kneed him in the groin. Daven backed away hunched over. Joanna took the opportunity to ball up her fist and punch him square in his jaw.

Joanna rushed off as he howled in pain. She hurried as fast as she could to her chambers. Throwing herself into the room, she saw Aílis jump to her feet. "Joanna! What's wrong?" her friend asked seeing her distraught state. Joanna felt tears welling up in her eyes. Aílis rushed forward and held her as she collapsed on her arms. Joanna felt violated. She felt vulnerable. "Daven....he tried to rape me!" she cried. This was a moment Joanna needed her husband most. She needed him to tell her he would protect her.


The next morning started the same. Joanna walked calmly into the room and took her place next to her sister. Rena wanted a front row seat, so she could see Joanna's and Kincaid's suffering. The room was silent until a guard dragged Kincaid into the room. Joanna stared at him with longing. After yesterday's ordeal, she wanted nothing more than to feel the embrace of her husband. Something wasn't right about today. The atmosphere felt different. Rena was unusually quiet with a pleasant smirk. Daven's face seemed to hold the mischief of a child. Suddenly the sound of a door opening and footsteps echoed in the hall. Rena stood up smoothing out her dress. "These few days have been fun, but the results are not what I hoped. Being with a highlander has made you tolerant. Why don't we see how tolerant you are today." A confused expression fell on Joanna's face until she saw who was in the hall. A hand maiden carried her son towards them. Kincaid lurched forward trying to get off his knees. The guard held him back. Joanna rushed forward to take her son from the maid, but Daven caught her around the waist and held her against him. "Please, Rena! Not my son!" Joanna pleaded. She wasn't listening. Her eyes were locked on the child. Kincaid fought to get to his son. "You bastards!" Kincaid growled. Aílis was suppose to watch him. Joanna could only imagine that fight that ensued between her friend and the maid that carried the most precious thing to her. "Bring him to me," Rena ordered.

Joanna struggled harder. "Don't touch him!" Joanna cried. Tears burned in her eyes. The babe was placed in her sister's arms. Rena seemed to admire the baby's looks. She rocked him lightly when he stirred at the change of hands. "How does it feel, Joanna?" Rena asked facing Joanna, "How does it feel to be completely helpless? To know that the most precious thing in your world could be ripped from you in a second?" Joanna cried and struggled harder, "Have mercy! Please! Not my son. Do what you wish to me, but please, Rena, not him!" Kincaid was struggling like and yelling curses like a mad man. Rena looked down on Bran. The child slept soundlessly even though chaos ensued around him. Joanna saw something flash across Rena's face. Her expression changed from one of great pleasure to sadness and anger. Her grip tightened a bit on the child. "Please, Rena," Joanna pleaded. Her sister bit her lip before speaking, "Release her." Daven stared at her in confusion. Rena jerked her head up with what looked like tears in her eyes, "I said release her!" The shouting finally woke the child, and Bran began to cry. Slowly, Daven released Joanna, and she ran forward to her child. Rena quickly gave the child away, and Joanna clutched Bran to her chest. Daven glared at Rena, who stared at the ground lost in her swirling thoughts. Rena suddenly mumbled something incoherent. No one else heard except for Daven. "What? Are you serious?" Daven exclaimed. "I SAID RELEASE HIM DAMNIT!" she shouted at him. The whole room seemed to freeze at her violent out burst. Daven's face turned bright red with anger, but he nodded to the guard to release Kincaid.

Kincaid stumbled to his feet and rushed towards his wife and son. He examined both frantically and with care. Husband and wife embraced with fresh tears in their eyes. "You're free to go," Rena said quietly. Shock consumed them both. Joanna turned to her sister, "What?" Rena looked up at her, "I're free. Leave and never come back."

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