Chapter 11

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3rd person's POV

Jungkook stares at Jimin as the older tells his tragic story. It was the most heartbreaking story Jungkook has ever heard. 

"The ones that I live with right now are my aunt and uncle from my mother's side. They are really nice and caring, but it still doesn't feel the same anymore.

Jimin stares from afar, spacing out for a moment. Jungkook searches for any tears in Jimin's eyes, but he found nothing. Instead, he saw dull eyes.

Guilt has found its way to Jungkook's chest, and he wants nothing more but to receive a punch on his face. If he just didn't bring up that "How about your parents?" question, maybe this night wouldn't be this awkward and quiet.

"I can't even imagine what you've been through," Jungkook said, trying not to let silence in between them. But he didn't get any response.

Jungkook look down and pursed his lips, thinking that maybe Jimin needs some space. But he made no move on leaving. Instead, he remembers something and smiled lightly.

"D-Did you know that my dad left us?" Jungkook asked out of nowhere.

Jimin jumps out of his thought as soon as he heard that sentence. He looked at Jungkook and catches Jungkook already looking at him.

"Yeah, I just found out last month," Jimin replied.

"It was 2 years ago last August, he got a new wife and a kid. And we just found out when I and my mother decided to pay him a visit at his office. But a co-worker of his told us he went to the hospital. Worried, we rushed there, only to find him holding my supposed-to-be half-brother. And the reason he gave eomma was he fell in love with that woman he's seeing." Jungkook told Jimin without looking at him.

Jimin let out an "Oh" as he didn't find any words to say.

"And the funny thing is he chose to hide it from my mom, knowing that it will hurt my mom. He is so selfish and a coward at the same time. He could've at least said something."

Jimin looked at Jungkook and he saw no emotions on his features. But Jimin could feel how broken and betrayed Jungkook was.

"I'm sorry, it must've been hard."

Jungkook shakes his head, "It's whatever."

Jimin thinks for a moment, and said: "Well, we don't have to talk about it, but it's not whatever."

Jungkook looks at him with a small smile as he understands Jimin's statement. And looked away as he realized that they were staring at each other for too long. 

"Why'd you tell me your background?" Jimin asked so suddenly.

"I just thought that you'd listen and understand. And I trust you, remember?" Jungkook said with an eyebrow raised.

That causes Jimin to smile and blush a little. Jimin stares back at the moon that was close above the horizon. They both stayed quiet for what seems like an eternity. But there is a question spinning endlessly in Jimin's head. So he asked away.

"Jungkook? I have a question..."

"Fire away," Jungkook responds.

"Do you believe in love?"

Jimin saw Jungkook's puzzled expression and the younger let out a sigh. Jungkook leans back and rests his palms on the grass to support himself, making himself comfortable.

"Why did you asked so suddenly?" Jungkook asked, "Not that I mind,"

"Well, I've never seen you in a relationship before. I mean, I understand that you're not interested, but I just wanna know if you do believe in it or not." Jimin said to which Jungkook just laughs.

Jungkook thinks for a while until he lets out a hum.

"Yes, I do believe in love. It's something that we think about, dream about, want, and need. Even if you don't want it nor ask for it, it will come. Love will come and you just have to take it and risk it all, knowing the worse outcome that could possibly happen. That person will come to you and is willing to risk it all too." Jungkook said, with a small smile. "It takes time. You might have your significant other when you're too old. Sometimes we have them in our childhood. Love will always come, you just need to have patience. Most often we fall in love with the person we think we love but to only discover that for them, we are just for passing time while the one who truly loves us remains either a friend or a stranger."

"Honestly, when you love someone, you think about them all the time. Day until night. And whenever they're around, your eyes always follow them all the time and have a hard time taking your eyes off them. You study their every move all the time and notice every little thing they have and do. Sounds creepy, I know, but that shows that you truly care for them, curious to know more about this person, and love them for what they are." Jungkook spoke, playing with the leaf he found beside him.

Jimin laughs dryly, "You sounds like an expert at love, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. I feel like you've been in a relationship before." Jimin joked while Jungkook laughs.

"I'm not an expert. What I told you was just based on my observation of mom and dad."

"Then can you tell me when will we know that it is love?"

"When that person is always there for you, as you are there for them too. When that person accepts you for that person that you are and that they don't wish to change you into someone else. When they don't expect perfection from you, just as you don't expect it from them. When you share your deepest secrets with them and they don't judge you for them, asking in return only that you don't judge them for them. When your tears stain not only their shirt but their heart too. When you can say anything to that person and you know they won't laugh at you. And you know you love them when you can see their face when you close your eyes. When you miss them before they are gone. When they are the only thing you can think about. When even a simple chore is done can become a lasting memory. When you can't imagine living without them and can't figure how did you live before you knew them. That's love."

Jimin looked at him with his mouth slightly agape, he was in awe at his words. "Wow, Jungkook. I swear you could be my therapist or something." They both laugh at Jimin's joke.

Jimin smiles and breathes out a voiceless laugh as he remembers the times that he used to admire Jungkook from afar. He used to approach Jungkook but when the younger keeps ignoring him, he was too afraid to approach him again. He's afraid that Jungkook would start ignoring him forever and he'll only end up hurting himself. So he stopped.

"You Jeons are so smart. Even at relationships." Jimin praised, fiddling with his fingers as if he's a typical nervous teenage girl.

Jungkook chuckles at his actions rather than the statement. "Not really but I take the compliment."

Then they both stayed quiet again. Just appreciating this chilly morning. [AN: It's actually like past 3 in the morning🤷🏻‍♀]

"What about you, hyung? Share your thoughts about love with me. I know you believe in love."

Jimin ruminates and smiled all of a sudden. He let out a nervous laugh.

"What?" Jungkook asked. Jimin looks at him with an open mouth, but no words came out. He hesitated but soon made up his mind.

"Jungkook-ah... When I think about love..." Jimin trails off, looking away with a blush. He sighs with a sad smile.

"I think about you."

– — — — — Next Chapter — — — — –

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