Chapter 13

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Jungkook just stood there, astonished. Analyzing everything. Because he has been confused about his feelings since day one that he met Jimin. And now that he knows everything about the man behind him, something changed. And Jungkook still couldn't figure it out. Until his homeroom teacher's words played in his mind.

. . .

"Love seems to be every person's favorite language. Am I right?" the teacher spoke, walking back and forth.

"Today, we're about to discuss love and courtship. Relationships, dating, yadda, yadda. And I'm sure you all are familiar with these, right?" The teacher said, planting his hands on his desk. The students agreed in unison and stayed quiet right after.

"And just because some of you are already in a relationship, doesn't mean that you don't have to pay attention." He said in a stern voice, looking at every student who is currently in a relationship.

"Anyways... We all had crushes, right? It's a normal part of our young adult life. And I'm sure that some of you, have eyes for someone." he smiled a little as he saw some of the students look away awkwardly. He continued, "But have you all ever wondered, that if this love? Or just an infatuation?"

Then Jungkook's attention completely went on his teacher, stopping himself from doodling something on his sketchbook, as he heard the interesting question.

"Attraction is admiration for someone that may include a desire to get to know that person better. It usually takes place in the form of infatuation or crush. These feelings are completely normal and are part of becoming a young adult."

"But what is Infatuation? And what is love?"

Taehyung raised his hands, which the teacher mentally rolled his eyes. But he kept his neutral expression on, "Yes, Kim Taehyung?"

"Isn't it the same? What's the difference?" he asked, then a murmur was heard from the students. The teacher chuckled.

"Yes, and no. You may sit down now, Kim Taehyung." the teacher answered simply, to which Jungkook frowned because he thought that it's the same feeling.

"Both are intense emotions that one feels for another person. But the two feelings differ in their actuality of love, intensity, and final outcome."

"Love can be described as a feeling of intense affection for someone. It is based on a true desire for the other person's best interests." the teacher spoke, walking.

"Meaning that you had known that person for so long, that you fall in love with them. With their interests, actions, and flaws. You can't just fall in love with someone you don't know fully yet. Otherwise, this could cause some problems like trust issues."

"Meanwhile, infatuation is admiration for someone while not recognizing that person's flaws. A state of being completely carried away by unreasoning passion or love or addictive love, some say." the teacher said, standing by the window and hands placed behind his back. Jungkook paid attention seriously to every word his teacher said.

"It is a feeling of likeness to someone in a short period of time. Crushes usually last for only a short time, few weeks or maybe a few mon..." the teacher continued his words, but Jungkook wasn't listening anymore.

He doesn't believe that statement.

He disagrees because those crushes do last long... Right?

Then Jungkook notices his classmate in front of him stood up and asked the teacher something.

"Good questions, thank you, you may sit down. It lasts about one to six months, based on the internet, but I disagree with that." the teacher honestly said, surprising his students and making them confused. 

"I believe that infatuation has no expiry date. Infatuation starts here, you start liking them and start having romantic fantasies about them, about spending time with them, making a life with them, etcetera, etcetera. But the problem is like most dreams and fantasies are based on YOUR likings and ideals." the teacher explained and pointed at his students. "Based on this, you always form an Image of them in your mind and view them from this frame."

The students chorused an "Ohh..." Finally understanding the teacher's point of view.

"The minute they do something or reveal something that shatters this image you had of them, the core one or two things that made you like them... that's when infatuation ends."

"And if they reveal something about themselves, and that makes you like them even more... then you're in love."

. . .

Then it hits him. So hard that he stumbled forward, making Jimin call for him. He didn't move nor made a response. His mind was so clouded that he didn't even register what Jimin said. 

Of course, he was such a fool to even notice that. He was so blind. It's all so clear now. His questions that he had been avoiding have finally been answered. 

The stare he always gives Jimin was adoration. And anyone who saw how he looked at Jimin, knew that he was hooked. The way he always avoids Jimin, it was his butterflies in his stomach. He gets scared that this feeling will get bigger if they talk to each other. The way he rolled his eyes when he gets caught staring, was a cover to his rapidly beating heart and blush. Letting his pride win again. The way he smiles unconsciously whenever he caught Jimin staring, the way his heart beats fastly when's he's near, and the way he always thinks about Jimin, it was love.

It was love all along.

When he immediately agrees to let Jimin hang out with him, it's because of Jimin's beautiful features. His slight chubby cheeks, his sparkling monolid eyes, and plump, soft lips are the most beautiful combination he has ever seen. When he chased Jimin around the supermarket with a big smile on his face, it was happiness. He had never laughed so hard in his entire life until that moment. And when he felt something when he held Jimin's hand, it was adoration. The way their hands perfectly fit each other as if it was made for both of them to hold. When they were being themselves for the whole night, it was love. They laughed and got to know each other. Even their flaws. And when he found out Jimin's flaws, he didn't feel any disgust or distaste, instead, he felt the urge to hug him. He let his guard down to let Jimin knows that his life isn't perfect as well. That he isn't alone.

Honestly... The first time he saw Jimin, his heart whispered...
"That's the one."
It was love at first sight.

His eyes.

His nose.

His heart.

His ears.

His brain.

They only saw Jimin.

He only has eyes for him.

His smell is stuck in Jungkook's nose.

His heart only beats for him.

His ears only listen to him.

His brain only thinks of him.

But his mouth, it never said anything.
So now, he's about to say something.

– — — — — Next Chapter — — — — –

Weird? I know lmao🙃

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