Chapter 15 Finally Home

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A/N oh boy you guys are really in for a treat for this chapter. I'm so sorry for not updating in a while but I am really excited to write this chapter.

Your POV

I just stood there. I couldn't say anything. Mush fancied me. Come to think of it he was right there in front of me all along but I was just too blind to see it. I mean he was always there for me and he helped me a whole bunch but did I really like him as more than a friend? "Mush. I don't know what ta say. You're my best friend and I love you ta death but I don't wanna ruin anything. I think I'm going to stay in Brooklyn for a little so I can really think things through." He looked at me with sad tear filled eyes. I grabbed his hands "Mush I promise I will write to you every day and I promise I'll come to visit. I'm gonna miss ya Mushy but it's all gonna be okay. I love you mush." I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek and at that moment tears began streaming down both of our faces. I took my bags and headed towards the door but before I left I dropped my bags and pulled Mush in for one last hug. I then headed out the door and went straight towards Brooklyn but I couldn't stop thinking about Mush. Were me and him really meant to be? I quickly shook the thoughts from my head as I approached the bridge. Spot saw my face stained with tears and quickly pulled me in to a hug. "It's gonna be ok y/n. I know goodbyes are hard but you'll be okay. I promise." I wanted to tell Spot everything that just happened but I couldn't. I knew he had some sort of feelings for me so if I told him that would be a little rude.

Mush POV

She's gone. She really left for Brooklyn to live with Spot Conlon. The worst part of it all is that I let  her leave. I told her it was okay if she left. That was so stupid and if I would have said something then she would probably still be here right now instead of in Brooklyn with him. Seeing her cry broke me and honestly I know her and I know how strong she is. She'll make the right choice. After she left not gonna lie I kind of laid in bed and cried. For two and a half days. I was in the worst shape of my life and I felt like I was no one without her. I genuinely think I love her. I love y/n. Holy shit.

Spot POV

I knew something was off with y/n from the second we left the Manhattan lodging house. I knew when I saw her walk out the door with her face stained with tears and her eyes glued to the ground. She didn't talk almost the entire walk to Brooklyn. She was deep in thought. She stayed this way for a few days after until one day I decided to talk to her. "Hello? Y/n can I come in?" I knocked on the door and when I got nothing but quiet sniffles in response, I walked in. "What's wrong? Did something happen back in Manhattan? Because you haven't been acting like yourself." I questioned. She looked at me and as soon as we made eye contact she broke down. "Spot I'm so sorry. I thought I could do it. I thought I could live without him and move on. I thought by forcing Mush out of my life I could let my feelings for you grow and finally be happy and start over but I was wrong. I was so so wrong." she sobbed. "Shh it's ok." I comforted her. She took a deep breath before continuing, "Saying goodbye to him was one of the hardest things I had to do and when I was gone it felt like half of me was missing. I'm so so sorry Spot but I can't be here. I can't be with you. My heart wants him." All I did was look at her and I realized that true love means doing whatever you can to ensure their happiness. Even if it means risking your own in the process. I looked at her as tears welled up in my own eyes and I said, "Go to him. I see how much you need him. Run to Manhattan and don't stop until you're in his arms. Be with him and if he breaks your heart then you always have a place in Brooklyn waiting for you."

Your POV

And so I did. I ran. I didn't stop running until I ran right through the doors of the lodging house and then I saw him. "Mush?" he turned around and before he could open his mouth to talk I ran up and pressed my lips against his. He put his hands on my waist and once he kiss was over he engulfed me in a hug. There it was. I finally felt safe. I finally felt at home. As we were standing there hugging he whispered into my hair "I love you y/n. Please never leave." "I know Mushy. I love you too. I'm here now. I'm home." 

Time skip

About a week later Spot hat shipped my stuff back to Manhattan and we'd been writing back and forth. He said he was happy for me that I finally feel at home. Everything was good. That night I was up on the rooftop with Mush when I asked him, "You liked me all this time and never left. Why?" and he looked into my eyes and said "Whenever I wondered if you were worth fighting for, I would picture your face and look into your dazzling eyes and realize that I would fight a whole other strike for you darling."


A/N thank you guys so so much for reading. This story has meant the world to me. I hope you all enjoyed. I love you all so so much and thank you all for the support.

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