Chapter 2 The Letter

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Your POV

So I'se was on a walk and he saw da pretty goil. He stopped to go talk to her and it took everything in me not to run over and tell him how I feel. I knew if I told him though it would ruin everything. I'se is de only goil newsie and all the odda boys just think of me as Jacks little sista or their own little sista for that matter. I'm fine with everyone thinking that. Everyone but Race. When I foist got to Manhattan none of de odda boys was talkin to me. The only boy who would even go near me was Race. I knew from the second I got there that I was meant to be with Racetrack Higgins. I thought he liked me even a little but I guess I'se was wrong when I saw him flirting with dat goil. He's been flirting and playing with me feelings for months and I thought we'se was gettin' somewhere but I guess not. I decided it was best to distance myself from racetrack so I could get over this little crush. Let me tell you it ain't woikin out too well. I miss his smile, I miss his laugh, I miss him stealin' my hat every  morning, I miss his poisonality, I miss everything about Race. I knew my feelings would get in the way of our friendship at some point it was just a matter of time before it happen though. 

Time skip one week later

It's been a week and I still haven't said a word to Racetrack. Crutchie told me he's been real sad since I'se stopped talkin' to him but I don't believe it. Racetrack Higgins is an attractive guy he can get any goil he wants to so I have no clue why he's so torn up about me goin' quiet for a few days. I need a day to get myself together. I' gonna take the day off.

Race's POV

"Come on Race get outta bed" I hear Crutchie yell. "Noooo. I'm to uhh......tired to get outta bed. I'se ain't sellin' today crutch." "Ok Racer but make sure you get some fresh air or do somethin' to keep ya mind off of her" Crutchie is one of my best friends. He's also the only one who knows how much of a mess I've been the past week. Things have been tough wihtout y/n talkin' to me. I don't know what I did eitha. Somethin must've happened while she was on her way home that night I did my little tes- holy shit! She DOES fancy me!  I'se gotta make it up ta her. Time Skip to 3:00 P.M. the same day  It's a few hours lata but I noticed that y/n took a day off from sellin' too. I'se was neva able to read too well or write for that matta but I'se has been learnin'. I look around for a piece of paper and a pen and I start writin'.

Dear y/n Kelly,

I'm real sorry for ditching you on our walk the other night. I just wanted to see what you would do when I talk to other girls. It was clearly a stupid thing to do and I realize that ans I apolojize. Also sorry if my spelling isn't great I'm still working on it. I miss you though. And not just as a pal. I fancy you y/n Kelly. I didn't wanna tell you because I thought it would ruin our friendship but I guess I ruined it by doing the exact opozit. I've liked ya since the moment you got here but I have always been too scared to tell you. I hope you accept my apolojy.


Anthony Higgins

Then I folded up the letter and stuck it in my pocket and went to get ready for the day. I'se was shavin' and all of a sudden she came up behind me and said

Your POV

"Racer...uh...h-hi" I barely managed to squeeze the words outta my mouth"Oh uh hi" he responded. "I'm so sorry Race. I shouldn't have ignored you. I shoulda just told you what was on me mind." he just looked at me. "Race! Race talk to me!" still nothing. "Race say something! Anything!" without saying a word he grabbed a paper from his pocket and handed it to me then...

Race's POV

I handed her the letter then I had grabbed the bag I packed a few minutes ago and ran out the door and I didn't stop runnin' until I tripped on my shoelaces and fell ova'. I crawled into a nearby alleyway and slowly began to cry. I started cryin' and I didn't stop. I sat there for what felt like hours. I sat there until I saw someone come up to me. It was dark now so I couldn't make out who the figure was. Then I saw the crutch. "Race? Is dat you? What are you'se doin' all da way out here?  thought you'se was staying home today. And why is you'se cryin?" Crutchie seemed so relieved to see me. Apparently I was gone for a few hours and y/n sent the whole lodging house to look for me. I decided to come back home with Crutchie. I was reluctant and for the foist time in me life, I's was scared.

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