Chapter 1 The Walk

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Your POV

This morning I woke up to the sound of Mush's laughter. I got outa bed to see what he's was laughin about and it turns out he was laughing at the same joke he laughs at every day which also happens to be the same joke Jack tells every day. Mush always asks "How'd ya sleep Jack?" and Jack always says "On me back Mush." I don't know why Mush finds it so amusing but whatever keeps him happy. Anyway, I continue to get ready and the last thing I do is I put on my newsie hat that I wear every day. I looks in da mirror and I see my hat go flyin' off my head. "Give that back or I'll soak ya!" I say and then I toin (turn) around and I sees my best friend Race holding my hat. "You wouldn't soak me!" he said making his puppy dog eyes which may I add are ADORABLE.  "You're right I won't soak ya'. I'll just do this!" and I grab his  hat and I run outside. "Trade ya!" I yell as I get in line to buy my papes for the day.

Race's POV

"Trade ya!" that's what my best friend said ta me as she ran outta da lodging house this mornin'. I took 'er hat and so to get back at me the took my hat and ran. She's a feisty goil may I add; but I'se don't mind. She's cute. No Race. NO. She's you're best friend and you'se can't ruin dat. Anyway She's my best friend and I just gotta understand that she'll neva be my goil. Besides she lives in a house with 20 other boys, why would she fancy me? She probably just thinks of me as a brodda anyway. I run outside and I see me other best friend Crutchie. "Yo Crutch!" I yell as I make my way over to where he was waitin in da pape line. "Lousy headline today huh?" I say to him, nudging him a little bit. "Yeah I barely sell enough papes when dere's a good headline so a bad one's really gonna kill me." "why's dat crutchie?" I say in response "Too many fake crips. No one believes da real ones and dere's no pitty anymore" he says back to me. I see y/n get her papes and go to her usual selling spot. It's right on the edge of Brooklyn and 'Hattan. Closest she's allowed to get to Spot Conlon's territory without someone gettin' soaked by Jack. He's real defensive you know. I think towards the end of  the strike, when y/n foist (first) got here, Spot started likin' her. Once Jack Kelly found out about dat he put a ban on goin' to Brooklyn without his permission. Sorry I'se keeps gettin' off track but after she went to her sellin' spot for da day I got my papes, walked over to her spot, and asked her if I could sell with her for today. She said yes but she seemed a little more excited to see me than usual.

Your POV

So Race asks me to be my sellin' partner for da day and I gladly accept his offer and we begin sellin'. We was out selling 'till about 4:30 and den we's was done. We walk back to the lodging house and we go to our bunks and we kinda do our own thing for a while. Then about half an hour later Race looks at me and says "Wanna go for a walk?" once again I gladly oblige and we walk all da way to Queens. We realize how far we's had gone and how late it was gettin' so we decide to go home. On our way back Race stops because he sees a pretty goil walkin' down the street.

Race's POV

So I take y/n on a walk until all da otha' newsies get back from sellin. Nothing special because she don't fancy me like I fancy her. Anyway, she seemed really happy when I'se had asked her if she wanted to go on a walk with me. We had walked all the way to Queens and then we figured we should get back to da lodging house befor it gets too late and Jack kills us both. Jack is my best friend and he's always had dis fear of me ending up wit his sista which is why the only people who know about my crush are Crutchie and Skittery. I don't even know why I told Skittery I barely even know him. I guess I just needed to tell someone but I knew any of my friends would go and tell Jack and I'd be a gonner. Skittery is too grumpy for friends and he doesn't really talk mutch which is why I picked him. Then I got to know Crutch and I'se told him too. On our way home I saw a fairly decent looking goil so I decided I'se would do a little test to see if y/n really fancied me. I would go flirt wit da goil and if she seemed annoyed or bothered b it then she likes me, if not then she don't. So I start flirting with the goil. Y/n has no reaction so I just tell her to go home and I'll be there soon. Then she stopped talking to me for a little bit.

Love,Hate, Papes: A Mush Myers X Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now