Chapter 9 Old Feelings

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Your POV

Why am I here?  I have no clue why I ended up in Brooklyn of all places. I look around and then I begin to cross the bridge. Jack's gonna kill me I thought but then again screw Jack. He tried to kill the love of my life. So I walk farther into Brooklyn with no idea where I'm going. I had been there for about 20 minutes and then I heard a voice "Y/N? Y/N Kelly? Is that really you? Wow you sure have grown up since the strike!" "Hello spot" I say. When I first got to New York during the strike I kinda had a little thing for Spot Conlon but I couldn't talk to him because Jack would have killed me. Clearly, my little crush for him has disappeared since then but he doesn't know that. I stayed in Brooklyn for the rest of the night because it was too late to go home by myself and all of the Brooklyn newsies were already in bed so none of them could take me home either. Me and spot stayed up all night talking and having fun and telling stories about our neighborhoods. I guess we had stayed up a little later than we wanted to because all of a sudden the sun was rising and I had too go back to the lodging house. I promised Spot I'd come back soon and I was on my way home.

Spot's POV

I was never real fond of Jack Kelly but when he started a whole strike against the biggest man in New York he gained a little bit of respect from me and I started being nicer to him. Then all of a sudden this goil shows up and boy was she pretty. She had the kindest soul the brightest smile and the sweetest voice. I had a few conversations with her here and there during the strike but most of the time Mush and David and Race pulled her away. They was like her bodyguards or something. They followed her everywhere and I never really knew why. I never knew why until at one of the rallies Jack decided to introduce us to his little sister and sure enough Y/N walks on stage. I was so mad because I knew that I would never be able to date a Kelly. It would ruin my reputation and Jack would kill me. After I found out she was Jack's sister I stopped talking to her but I never stopped liking her. I was out by the bridge one night taking a walk like I always do and I saw a figure. A goil figure. I finally realized that it was none other than Y/N Kelly. I called out to her and we talked for a little. Not a little, a while. We talked the whole night and by the time we realized it was sunrise. She didn't seem as flirty or as open as she used to. Something changed but I don't hate it. I just wish she told me what changed. She headed back to Hattan and we both promised not to let Jack find out she was here. Neither of us wanted to die any time soon. I thought about her every day since the strike but I was starting to give up hope. I thought I'd never see her again. I'm not religious or anything but I even prayed for a sign that it was fate. A sign that we were meant to be and then boom. The next day there she was showing up at the bridge. Seeing her made me realize I love her. I love her more than anything and I gotta make a move.

A/N Hey guys I hope you like this so far. Thank you so much for 100 views! This is my first real fanfic so I know this isn't the best. I'm trying my best though. Feel free to leave any suggestions down below! I'm really excited for what happens next! also who do you want the reader to end up with? Should I stick to the Race X Reader theme or plot twist and make it Spot X Reader? I really need your help!

Love,Hate, Papes: A Mush Myers X Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now