Chapter 3 Back To The Lodging House

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Your POV

I took the letter from Race and watched him run out the door with a bag. I called after him but he didn't even look back. I sat down on me bed and started readin' the letta he gave me. It read

Dear y/n Kelly,

I'm real sorry for ditching you on our walk the other night. I just wanted to see what you would do when I talk to other girls. It was clearly a stupid thing to do and I realize that ans I apolojize. Also sorry if my spelling isn't great I'm still working on it. I miss you though. And not just as a pal. I fancy you y/n Kelly. I didn't wanna tell you because I thought it would ruin our friendship but I guess I ruined it by doing the exact opozit. I've liked ya since the moment you got here but I have always been too scared to tell you. I hope you accept my apolojy.


Anthony Higgins

Love Anthony Higgins? Love Anthony Higgins? What? He HATES his foist name which is why we's always callin' him Race or Racetrack or Racer. When he or someone else uses his foist name you know they's is serious. Love Anthony Higgins. I thought over and over again. I reread the letter at least 20 more times and eventually the paper was soaked with my tears. I felt so bad. I turned away the one boy I love and the one boy who loves me. I turned him away. Way to go. He ran away and I's don't know if he's eva comin' back. I started to cry even more until eventually it became a sob. I hadn't even noticed the other boys come back and soon they were all crowded around me. Even Skittery and he's usually too grumpy to care. Eventually Jack sat down next ta me and asked "What's wrong kiddo? Who hoit ya? Huh? Who do I's gotta soak?" I barely was able to get the word out, "R-R-Race" "RACE?!?! ANTHONY RACETRACK HIGGINS WHERE THE DEVIL ARE YOU?!?! HUH?" Jack yelled. You could hear the firey rage in his voice. "H-h-he's g-gone" I said. "What?" said Crutchie. I handed him the letter from Race and he grabbed Skittery and Jack. Skittery because he was the only other newsie who knew and Jack because it was HIS little sista who was sitting on her bed crying. After a few minutes of scheming the boys came back to the rest of the newsies and split everyone into teams. Each team was assigned to go to a different borough to search for Race. Mush had already calmed me down so I had him stay with me and I also had Jack stay back because I didn't want hime to be the one to find Race and soak him right away. Before I knew it the boys was off and on the lookout. It took around three hours before Crutchie came runnin' through the door dragging Race by the wrist. "Race!" I ran to him as fast as I could and I wrapped my arms around him tighter than I ever have before. "We'll give you some space" said Mush as he took the others out of the room. 

Race's POV

I got back to the lodging house and the only people there were Mush, Jack, and y/n. The second I Walked through the door y/n gave me the bestest hug I'se has eva gotten. She was so happy to see me and honestly I was happy to see her. I was standin' dere and I could tell by the look in Jack's eye he wanted to soak me right then and there but Mush took everyone out of the room so me and y/n could have some time alone. "Y/n I'se is so sorry I ran off like dat. I was just sca- unsure of how you would react and I didn't want to be here if you dind't feel the same. I would rather have been embarrassed somewhere else." I said. I almost admitted I'se was scared but I couldln't tell anyone that Racetrack Higgins was scared. I'se is neva scared. Y/n sat and analyzed my words carefully for a few minutes although I don't understand what there is to analyze. She looked at me with her big, beautiful, kind eyes and said "Oh Race I could neva be mad at you. And before you apologize for fancying me, don't. Cause I'se is fancying you too. Race I've loved you since the day I met you and I've never stopped." I was so surprised to hear those words come out of her mouth and I just looked at her and said "Y/n Kelly I love you t-" and before I could even finish the word she kissed me. Her soft lips against mine. She was so gentle. She always was gentle, even when she was mad she was still the kindest person I'se has ever met. After the kiss was over we just looked at each other and smiled. We stayed like that and then finally Jack bursted into the room. "ANTHONY HIGGINS YOU'RE IN FOR IT"

Love,Hate, Papes: A Mush Myers X Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now