Prologue #2: ELIZA

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I can't believe my stupid dad is making me go and live with my stupid mum and my down right goody two shoes twin sister Elizabeth. Even the name is swatish! And the report card is worse. All she ever gets is As and A* s. god she makes my skin curl.

She wrote me a letter as well! To tell me about life with our 'mum'. Theres so many rules and regulations!

Don't leave any doors open

No music over volume ten

no leaving the house with out telling both mum and step dad, where your going, who your with, what you will be doing...

no this, no that, no fun is the way I look at it.

And the house. The house is so clean and perfect. And its huge! There rich because mums a world famous fashion designer, for the shitest clothes since the 1960's  I hate it! 

I hate them, they judge me just because there all Mozart and A*'s and I'm C to B grade, metal loving cyber punk!

Jesus Christ, how will I survive.  

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