Lunch Time Fiasgo

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Hay guys,

Sorry it took so long, it was mock exams week in my school so I've been a bit hung up lately.

Anyway, because of the lack of time with exams and stuff I'm going to set you guys a little task, if you get it up to 12 likes, i will up date chapter 6 :).

Love you all



Chapter 5


Lunch Time Fiasgo

History class. My favourite subject. Next to maths and science of corse.

Anyway, for some reason, I couldn't focus. My eyes kept diverting to this cute boy who sat in front of me. Kyle. Even though I could only see the back of his head, my mind would constantly fall into a day dream about his perfect hair...and his perfect eyes...and his flawless smile...and...NO!!! I need to foucus!!

Nope, apparently thats not going to happen.

I tried to distract myself by listening in on Eliza's conversation. "Ah the romans. I did this topic back in my old school, the invasion of the hot Italianos... That is how you pronounce it right?" She laughed. I noticed to was talking to Portrisha , who seemed to be laughing at her comment on the Romans...or her fail attempt of the Italian Language. I rolled my eyes at my sister, the romans was indeed an interesting topic, but not a class on swim suit modals. That would be a class I would not take even if it meant my life.

Wait...Portrisha is popular! Like everyone in school worships her, on the cheerleading squad popular! When did Eliza start befriending that crowd? Would this mean that she's going to be friends with Kyle? Would he develop a crush on her? Wait he can't, not go out with her anyway, she's taken by the band boy. But he can still fancy her.

My heart began to race with jealousy of my sister good looks, and emence popularity. It wasn't fair, we have the same face, and yet just because her hairs short and she wears make-up everyone saids shes the pretty one!!

I turned away in an attempt to calm down. I'm never normally like this, I love school and don't let things distract me. I should defiantly talk to her about this.


"Hay Eliza!" I called to her down the hallway. She stopped and halve turned to face me. I had to walk a little faster to make sure I cought her before she could turn and run. "You can still come and join my friends and I for lunch"

" ill pass thanks" she said and tried to turn away. "Hay, Eliza are you coming?" Portrisha called from behind her,

"Oh, sorry Eliza, I didn't know you hung out with these guys" Kyle said, looking me up and down,

"I don't" she snapped

"Are you sure? You look a lot like her" said one of the boys next to Kyle,

"Where related" i explained

"No where not, i just know her from...somewhere"

"Shes just embarised, where twins, would be identical..." Eliza did a face palm and pulled her friends away, muttering some from of apology.

I suppose i shouldn't be shocked by my sisters reactions. It was her first day here, she wouldn't want to start by being the nerds sister. She might have a chance with her freaky hear and terrible taste in music. All those people like that sort of thing.

I sat at the lunch table with my friends. I couldn't help but notice, that one had made her way over to Eliza's table. You are treading on dangoras and rather thick grounds my friend, i thought. "Hi" she said a little to enfusiasricly.

"Um...hi" Eliza replied,

"Ok never said anything about a sister, espshialy a twin"

"Yes well Lizzy's not one to brag." I watched as Eliza turned to her friends for help on how to get rid of one of my sort. "Is that all?" She asked, clearly trying not to sound to rude. She hezetated before turning to leave. Delila (my friend) came over and sat down opasit me. "Ok...what the hell?" i asked her,

"What, have you never been curies" she snapped back. I rased both my hands at her as a sighn of serender. "Sorry" I mutterd,

"I wondering because you never mentioned her and you know, weve been friends for years, I just thought." I sighed at her. I was true we have been friends for ages. I guess I should have at least mentioned her exsistance but shes was never around and we hate eachother so i never really thought this day would come. "Just leave it, why not come to mine after school, and we can study for the History test" she said with a small smille,

"I can't I have to go strait home because my mums made a speshal first day of school dinner for Eliza, she really is trying to hard, I'm pritty sure a burger would impress her so eating in a sivelised manner is not going to go down well" we laughed at my sissters slobbyness. Tonight is going to be one of the funnyest things I have ever seen. Eliza. Sivelised. HA, Ive met potatoes with more maners than her.

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