Band Practice

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Chapter 2: ELIZA-

Band practice


I trampled down the stairs with my ruck sack on my back and my electric griped tightly in my hand.

I wondered into the kitchen and nicked the peace of toast mum had just finished buttering. "Got to go, all ready late" I said heading for the door. "Wait there missy, where do you think your going?!" Mum snapped. Jesus Christ, ' lived in this house for less then a day and she's all ready calling me 'Missy'. Just you wait any second now she's going to make me do something horrid. "Band practice" I replied,

"And how long will you be out to this band practice?"

"Dunno, two, three hours maybe four, not including the gurney so most of the day" I said turning around to face the door again. I just managed to get my hand on the door-nob when she called "Take Elizabeth with you" (see what I mean. Horrid). "WHAT!" Elizabeth and I yelled at the same time. "Yes. Get to know each other. Elizabeth can go with you to hear this band, and Eliza you go to hear Elizabeth's orchestra at four"

"No!" we both yelled, again, at the same time,

"Yes! Now go, I thought you said you where late"

"Fine" we said, yet again at the same time. I glair at our unison. "Dude we have got to stop doing that" I said as I forced the lock opened, annoyed, as Lizzy, gracefully, slid off her chair. Who does she think she is the queen? I thought.

We slumped down to the but shelter just in time to catch the number 20 bus. We sat, saying nothing thought the hour long drive. I glanced around the bus and saw we where getting some very strange looks. And who could blame them for being confused? A punk rocker and a posh-toti swat, together... if we didn't look almost exactly alike, you would defiantly think there would have been an adoption in there somewhere.

When we got to our stop, I griped my guitar with one hand and used my free arm to pull Lizzy off the bus and down the street. We turned into a field and squelched through the mud and manure. "Where are we" Lizzy asked turning up her nose,

"Rider's house, his family own this place" she didn't look impressed "there farmers" I explained as we turned to an open garage, shelter thing. All my band mates where all ready here.

I smiled as I saw the familiar faces of my friends. They reminded me that not everything had changed.

As usual there was Lalita who was sitting on a pail of hay stacks with a guitar and earphones, strumming away without a care in the world. Rider was whacking away with those old drums as if there would be no tomorrow, and Mazzie had, yet again, found a new way to wind up Hunter. "Hay, it's Iza" yelled Hunter, probably to get Mazzie to stop,

"Yo Iza" said Rider,

"sup" greeted Mazzie,

"Haya" laughed Lalita. All attention turned to Lizzy and I as we wounded into the shelter thingy. "Hay" I said sitting next to Lalita. "Hay Iza, who's the young queen Victoria?" Mazzie asked,

"this is my clone Lizzy" I said,

"Hello it is a pleasure to meet you all" she said. They all just stared at her as if shed just grown two heads. Lalita looked terrified.  I looked around to see if there was living being in the room after Lizzy's nerd show off. 'Wow' Lalita mouthed as she turned back to her guitar. "We should get started" Hunter muttered,  

"yes" I agreed, pulling out my electric and plugging it in.

We started with my favourite, 'Love but broken hearted'. Rider quickly whacked the ancient drums before, Lalita and Hunter came in with the base line guitar and I came in with the lead and voice. Lalita was the only one who didn't sing...ever. I don't know why, she's very good, but she has zero confidence.

But then again, when her minuet guitar solo came, she rocked it.   


So here's the next chapter. I hope you all like it. Sorry it took so long but school started up and stuff. I promise the next chapter should be here soon :)

Thanx guys, don't forget to comment, vote and follow. Tell me what you thought ;)

Thanx again,

Ellie <3

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