How are we related?!

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Chapter 3-Elizabeth

How are we Related?!

I sat there and rubbed my temples as my sisters stupid band played one song strait after another.

How could she like this stuff? It's this kind of music that encourages tattoos and violence and- "Lizzy... LIZZY! Are you still living?!" one of Eliza's friends/band member called into my face, pulling me away form my thought. "Lalita!" one of the boys laughed "ignore her, she's not right in the head"

"Shut up" Lalita snarled. I slid slightly closer to the drummer to get away form Lalita, there was something about her that threatened me a little. And that's something when you have a punk rock twin sister that hates you and took up boxing as a hobby. Never lost a fight I was tolled. "Naaww look you're scaring her" the drummer said "my names Rider by the way" he said,

"Mine is Elizabeth"

"I know" he said and smiled in a way that made me look away and blush. He was very good looking, for a rocker. And his top was tight and helped display his abs underneath. "Rider would you pleas stop flirting with my sister" Eliza said,

"Not getting jealous are we Eliza?" the other boy joked. He rapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. "Hunter" she gasped "I can't breath". He laughed and put her down, without removing his arm from around her waist. she rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. "What to come back to my place?" Lalita asked. They all nodded and made their way out the grade. I followed them slowly and quietly, not wanting to disturb there conversation.

Lalita lived only around the corner to the farm so it was really easy to get to. I walked through the door after the others and into a large living room. We all sat on the two sofa's. I sat next to Rider and he placed his arm around the back of me side of the sofa, almost touching my shoulders, making me blush a little harder than before. "What do you what to watch?" asked Lalita, flipping on the flat screen that sat smartly of the wall. "What ever's in the machine" Hunter replied. I stared at the screen and saw the title 'Rock or Ages' pop up. I glanced over to where Eliza was sitting and saw her smile had grown huge when she saw what was on the screen. She caught me looking at her and mouthed a 'what?' I sent a shrug back to her trying to hold in me laugh. "She loves the music in this film" Lalita explained,

"Do you?" Rider asked me,

"I've never seen this film before" I replied honestly,

"Oh its all Forager, Queen, Bon Jovi" Mazzie said,

"Who?" I asked Rider. He gave me a face that tolled me he was tempted to throw me off the sofa dew to my lack of musical knowledge. I blushed again and looked away from him and to my sister for help. "What music do you like?" he asked,

"Um... Mozart, opera, classical" I replied,

"I think i just dozed of a little there" Mazzie said turning her attention back to the screen. "How are you two related?" Hunter asked. We both shrugged and said "I don't know" again at the same time. Eliza sent me a scowl of disapproval. she hated it when we did that.


On our way home from my orchestra practice (which Eliza slept most of the way through) I was determined to brake the silence. "Is Hunter your boyfriend?" I asked her. Part of me wished I didn't when i saw her reaction. She wasn't one to talk about her feelings or privet life or... anything really. "Ye" she sighed,

"How long have you been together?"

"A year and a half, its nice, he's... nice" she sounded a little upset about it. Not Like Eliza at all. I all ways knew under all that punk rockiness, she was in love with the idea of love, and would be the first one of us to get a boyfriend. But I didn't press on the matter, shed only get mad.

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