My Evil Twin

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Chapter 1


My evil twin

I gave off a fake smile as my twin, Eliza stomped into the house. "Hello Eliza, what a pleasure it is to see you again" I said as politely as I could, holding my hand out to her. "Lizzy" she answered dismissing my jester. I had forgotten that she called me that. "Eliza, Darling, we have been so exited" mum lied. She knew we were all dreading this day. Even my step-dad Jonathan and he has never even met her! "Hello Eliza" Jonathan said and went to go and stand by mum, as if for protection from my punk rocker sister. Jonathan had met my mum 'through business' as they called it. They where rather reluctant to get married at first, but then mum fell pregnant with my little brother Eric and then they sort of felt like they had no other option but to wed. That reminds me, where is he? I looked around to find him hiding behind the kitchen door. "Eric come out and meet our sister" I said calmly. He shook his head and ran away. Who could blame him? Her parsings and wild hear stiles where enough to make me want to run for the hills.

Eliza sighed at the auqwedness and looked down at the ground. "So... where do I crash?" she asked, we all looked at her confused,

"Parden?" mum asked. Eliza looked up at us "you know crash, sleep, drop dead" she said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Your room" mum said "is up stairs and to the left; Elizabeth will show you the way".

Reluctantly I lead Eliza up the stairs. She bumped her suitcase up the stairs, clearly to annoy me but I was determined to be the bigger person. I opened the bedroom door for her and she oh-so-gracefully stumbled in. She put her main case and two oddly shaped cases on the bed and pulled out her phone. "Are you chirping?" I asked,

"No I'm tweeting"

"I can't hear anything"

"Oh. My. God!" She cried throwing her arms in the air and making claws out of her fingers. She wounded up to one of the oddly shaped cases and unzipped the bottom. She pulled out a brownish colour guitar and carefully leaned it against the wall. Of course. She's a guitar player, how could i not have guessed? I should only be surprised that she chose a more traditional colure rather than a gothic one.

Eliza unclipped the next and placed a rather skinny black guitar next to it. And of course, it would be all rockers like with bright flames and stuff printed on it.

How am I going to explain her in school? My biology teacher will probably ask if the post man got involved. Even though she looks exactly like me I'm about eighty percent sure she must have been adopted, and that her former parents must have been punk rockers by day and circus people by night... yep its only solution to why she could have come out so... so... so... well Eliza like!

A.N hay guys

Ok so heres the first chapter. I hope you all liked it.

Now i realice it was a bit short but i promice that ill try to make them a little longer :)

Dont forget to coment, vote and fan

Love u all

Ellie :) ;)

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