First day of school

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chapter 4


First day of school


It was my first day at my school, and I'm not going to lie to you, I'm scared shit. I tried not to show it by being my normal self. I woke, refused to get up for like half an hour. had a quick shower. pissed off my mother by playing rock songs on my guitar (she really hates rock... and guitars). All before adding a little swag in my walk when i strode down the to perfect staircase. Oh. My. God! Swag sounds so gay and chavish I am NEVER saying that again.

"Good Morning Eliza, I trust you slept well" said my mother when I sat on the kitchen counter. She sent me a glare when saw my idea of personalising the school uniform, but didn't say anything. She is so determined to make this work it's almost laughable. "Eh" I replayed putting some bread in the toaster.

An Ozzy Osborn song 'crazy train' began to play from up stairs. It seemed to get closer. I tuned my attention to the sound to see my sister come into the room holding out my mobile to me. I thanked her for bringing it to me by nodding my head to her and pressed the answer button. Dad popped up on the screen as I held the mobile to my ear. "Hay dad" I said tiredly,

"Hay Eliza how are you?" he asked on the other side,


"Good.. um... i was just phoning to wish you good luck at your new school"

"Um thanks i guess. How are things down there?"

"fine, great actuly"

"And nicola? How is the step monster?"

"Um... well-"

"Dad i didn't really care i just wanted to say 'step monster'" I siged and looked at the clock as he rambled on about the all mighty and Nicola. "Listen dad" I interupted him "I'd love to hear all about your latest slut but I have to go buy" I hung up on him and droped my phone in my bag before he could protest. He can be such a git sometimes, I thought, whail buttering my toat rather violently. "Great start to the day" I heard Elizabeth mutter

"What ever" I breathed.


Elizabeth lead me to the main office to get sighed in and get my time table. "Oh your in four of my classes isnt that great?!" she said pearing at the squered filled paper. "ye grate" i muttered sarcastically. "Are you going to be going me for lunch?" she asked,

"No, on offence sis but id reater sit on my own then with the math leats" i said,

"Were not the math leats, have you not seen mean girls? thats social suerside! Were the sience club" I threw my head up to the hevens at her coment. "Oh for the love of guitar hero...wait... you've seen Mean Girls?!" I asked shoke. Mean Girls is a good film, how has she seen it! She's never eaven heard of Bon Jovi! "Sure, it was crap like, but ive seen it" I felt my jaw drop as I stared at her. "How the fuge are we realated?!" I snaped at her. She shruged and grabed my arm.

She pulled me to a classroom door and shoved me inside. "Engoy art class" she said. I blushed slightly as a saw the three people that had beaten me to class stared at me. "Uh... hi..." i said,

"Are you an Emo?" a girl asked me. talk about forwad. Come on people just shout out any hate full coments or questions you may have, its not like I have fealings or anything, i thought. "No... no I am not"

"She's punk you idiot" a boy snapped at her. she sent a glair at him and I. Grate, class hasn't even started yet and iv'e all ready made an enamy.

I went to go and sit next to the boy, "Hay I'm Kyle" he said,

"Eliza" i relpyed.




so thats the 4th chapter :)

havnt really got much to say so im just going to say dont forget to coment, vote and fan.

Tell me what you think.

Love you all

Ellie. <3

P.S. Sorry it's so short, i have a bit of righters block :/

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