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Chapter 6

Operation Normal



"What the hell" I snapped at Lizzy as soon as we got home. She looked at me confused. "Your little friends where buzzing all around me all day, asking lodes of questions. I mean seriously, people where acutely starting to believe i knew them. I swear you are trying to make me look like a loner". Lizzy just stared at me with shock planted all over her face. I could see her mind over working for something to yell back, but nothing would come out. As usual, little miss perfect always to polite to yell back. "I didn't want them to, in fact it was starting to annoy me a bit as well" she said in her aggravating posh accent. I mean we live on the outskirts of London, not Buckingham palace! Although this house isn't far from it. I scrunched my nose up at her and made my way up the overly clean staircase case to my room. Which is probably the only room in the hole house that doesn't suck the life out of you.

I threw my bag into the corner of the room and picked up my acoustic guitar. It was my favourite to play because the strings where metal, not plastic so the sound is much nicer- even if they cut your fingers after a wail- its exactly the right size and shape for me and doesn't slide on my lap.

It calmed me down more than anything in the world, always cheered me up. Nothing worked better. Except maybe Lalita, but she could tell if I was upset just by one single text messige.

I pressed my fingers down into a D chord at the top threat, then an A then a G. I continued this pattern for a wail not entirely sure what song I was playing, just strumming a simple pattern, as I fell lost into a day dream.

It took some time for me to realize that I had changed chord sequence and was playing the background of a song that I had wrote a few years ago. "But I said oh, but I don't let it show, that I'm bot bulletproof, but I'm not telling you-" my chorus was quickly stopped and everything was held to a halt when my door slowly started to creep open.

Lizzy took a few steps in as i sent her a death glair, as a sign to get out. But she stood her ground. "Eliza...I...what happened to us? We used to tell each other everything, we where best friends, but then mum and dad had that divorce and it all stopped" she whispered

"I know" i sighed "is there something you want to tell me now?" She shook her head and began to walk out again. "Maybe later" she said and went back through the door "oh, and Eliza, that was an original wasn't it...i thought it was really good" this time the really did leave. Closing the door behind her, i was left staring at the empty space where she stood. No one had ever liked my songs before, in my old school, everyone would make fun of them. And dad's slut would scream at me to shut up and forget my dream of becoming a singer. Even dad would say 'think of something more productive Liza' he would always say anything to back her up. It got to the point where, i didn't believe i was any good at singing, or the guitar.

Did Lizzy really mean what she said? Or was she just being nice? Ether way, i liked it.

I sat down at the table, poking my fork through what ever I had leafed. I have no idea what it is but it's desisting. "Eliza, you haven't touched your cavia" mum said glaring down at my plate. eggs...I ate a fish's eggs! I felt the food coming back up my throat. "Oh. My god" I muttered,

"Eliza, are you all right?" Jonathan asked. I stood up and flung my self round the nearest downstairs toilet. The house was huge so I had to run all the way down to the end of the hallway barley making it the thankfully open toilet. My undigested food spilled as my knees buckled beneath me.

Be hind me, I heard soft footprints padding through the door, and a glass of water appears besides me. "Thanks" i said barley above a whisper. Lizzy sat besides me and looked over at the state I was in. I must have looked ridiculous to her. The didn't understand I can't take the rich food, and long slow music. I don't like massive houses with grand marble staircases and glass chandeliers above the door. It just wasn't me.

Lizzy helped me off the floor and lead me up to my room. She set me down on my bed and stared at me. I expected her to leave. But she didn't. She just sat down at the other side of the bed, still staring at me. "Let me guess, fish eggs?" She said. I shuddered slightly at the word, even the thought was discussing never mind eating it! "How did you and Hunter start dating? Who asked who?" She asked, changing the subject. I sighed and leaned forward a bit, why does she keep asking about me and Hunter? He's just a boyfriend,

"We where friends and band mates and one day he asked me out, no biggie" I said,

"Are any of the others dating?" She questioned. What is this twenty questions? Why does she want to know all this?

"No...but Lalita fancies the socks off Rider, she said so herself, but she's shy, every other boy she's gone out with has messed with her head and now I think she's gone off the idea"

"Really? He seems a little to flirty for her"

"He was just messing around, he normally doesn't look twice at a girl and has only ever gone out with anyone once" i shook my head at my two love bird friends. They where clueless that they where completely perfect for each other but both to blind to see it. Then it clicked, the reason she was acting like we where on some sort of couples show "do you like some one?" I asked,

"Me?!" she hesitated "of coarse not" She gave off I fake smile. She's an even worse liar than remember.

I sent her my 'oh really' face as she blushed away. She does that a lot, it quite cute, if she didn't wear ankle length skirts and knee high socks and stuff like that. "Do you ever play that other guitar?" she asked, I looked my small traditional acoustic before picking and began to play.

A small appeared as she listen to the light strumming. "Coz' I love the gap between your teeth...And I love the riddles that you speak...and any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored, coz my heart is yours" she sang watching my fingers dance across the threat bored. "I didn't know I loved Taylor Swift" she giggled when I stopped,

"I don't Lalita taught me, when I first started, and I thought it might be something a little more up your street" I smiled.


Hello beautiful people :)

I just wanted to say thank you too everyone who as stuck with me this far and I should hopefully be updating soon but I have a bit of righters block so...we'll c how that one goes.

For anyone who was wondering the song at the end was Ours by Taylor Swift, not normally my sort of thing but its a really good song and you should check it out ;)

thank you thank you thank you again, I love you all,

Ellie xoxox

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