The House Party

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Chapter 7


I lightly padded across the hall to Eliza's room. My dainty little fingers pressed against the door and slowly slid into the room to find her sitting in her room on her laptop with big head phones covering her ears.

I silently approached her, but she didn't notice. Her screen was full of wobbly lines all labeled voice recording 1,2,3 and so on. Eliza clicked on random bars and began to edit the timing, pitch and back ground sounds. "Yes?" She asked, snapping me out of my gaze. I panicked for second, forgetting why I was there.

"M...mum saids breakfast is ready" I stutterd.

My music obsessed sister nodded once and pressed the save button in the corner of her screen.

Next to her laptop i noticed a cd case. On the cover was Eliza, Hunter, Mazzie, Rider and Lalita all standing or kneeling together in various poses, with the words 'The Damed: temporarily sain' in large black letters at the top. "The Damed, is that your band?" I asked, staring at the very professional looking covor.

"We got called that once by some priest and it kind of stuck. Temporarily sain is what we called the album" she explained heading for the door "come on, don't want to be late."

A spared a quick glance back the album and followed her out.

We approached the school gates and departed from each other, with only a nods good bie. Eliza began to walk away to her large group friends as mine began to aprotch. "Waw, no offence, but your sister seems a little suck up" Delilah commented,

"Shes not stuck up" I said in a rush "were just diffrent, and don't get on all that well." I felt a my mood drop at that. We got on so well at kids, but after the devorse and my parents split literally everything, we had two completely different up bingings, and i guess we...changed.

I shook it off and turned to smile at my friend. She shot me back a rather forced looking smile as she continued to gaze at my sister in jelousy. She, unlike me, has all ways wanted to fit in to one of the more 'in' groups. Eliza's new friends weren't exactly the populars but many of them were friends with them and so they were often found together, despite the 'rock viruses twini-pop fude'.

I looped my arm through Delilah's and dragged her away to class.

I sat alone in the corner of my science class. As always no one had really noticed me, and also once again I was left to do the experiment by myself. The hydogell (not). Watching hydogells soak up a small portion of water and let the rest drip into a glass beaker at three miles of an hour. "On your own Elizabeth?" My teacher questioned,

"Yes sir, this get very boring after a bit" i replied,

"Don't worry, next week were watching paint dry" Sir grinned walking away. I may be a geek with a dull life of reading, studying with really only one friend to my name, but even I find this dull.

The mirical bell sounded as it was the end of class. I leaped out of my seat and raced out of the room, to the corridor as fast as the rules would allow me.

Dalilah, was standing up against the wall, waiting outside my class. "I've got a hole class detention for english, sorry I have to leave you" she said giving me a short reassuring smile before heading out of the busy corridor.

I sat alone at the lunch table, nibbling on my plain ham sandwitch. "All on your Larry, Lizzy?" Eliza's cheerful voice appeared besides me. I turned to glare her beaming face.

"What are you so happy about?" I grumbled, turning away and tucking into my sandwitch,

"Im sorry i didn't know being happy was a crime" she commented looking slightly hurt. I didn't bother oplogising, although I did feel a little bad. "Id invite you to join us, but you seem to hate most of the people in my group" she continued stealing one of my chrisps. I wasnt really sure what to say. She never spoke much to me at home and pretty much pretended not to know me yesterday so why the sudden change?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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