Chapter Six: New Looks, Old Friends

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Wow! I got this done a lot faster than I thought :)

I own nothing but my characters

Enjoy :)

After seeing Adam again for the first time in years and seeing his new appearance, he was now leading me to the room I'll be in for the time I'll be staying here. He explained a few things to me as we walked down the seemingly never ending hallways that I remember running through as a child with Adam. We always ran through these hallways for fun, sometimes we would race each other to see who could get to the end of the hall first or we would run to a random room and play hide and seek. Those were the days, the days when everything was perfect, but now so much has changed. 

He explained to me that everyone in the castle is alive, but have taken the form of household items due to the curse. He also explained that I am to never come into his room again and that the West Wing is forbidden... for some reason. He even said that Jacques will be taken care of and brought to the stables, which was a relief for me; I was concerned about leaving him out there in cold. 

We soon came my room and he opened the door for me as I stepped inside. I remember this room vividly, it was the room I had as a child. Blue/green and gold colored the walls and the large bed matching the colors and the window leading to the balcony that showed a prefect view of woods. 

"I don't know how long you plan on staying here, Elisabeth" Adam spoke as I turned to look at him "But this will be your room for the time being"

I nodded as I looked around the room "This was my room as a child" 

Adam looked almost surprised as he looked carefully at the room "Well... I suppose it is" 

I smiled at him, but he didn't return it "Someone will come for you later when dinner is ready" he then closed the door behind him as he left. I heard his loud footfalls descend down the hall, but soon I heard nothing as he had gotten further away. 

I sigh as I take off my cloak and lay it on the bed as I walk over to the open window. I can't believe how much has changed with everything, especially with Adam. The sweet innocent boy I knew as a child has changed into a completely different person, he's become cold and distant. I know that having this curse placed upon him has something to do with it, but I also know that his father is the main reason he has become this way. His father made him this way and I hate him for it, but I still have hope. I believe that the Adam I knew is still in there somewhere, I just have to find him and I am not going to give up on him. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door "Come in" I said as I turned to face the door. 

The door opened and a cart carrying a tea pot and cup rolled in along with a few other figures. One of them was a white feather duster with wings flying above them, the candelabra I had dropped earlier, but now has legs. Then there was the clock I had seen earlier next to the candelabra on the table. 

"Well, bless my soul" the tea pot spoke in a familiar voice "Is that you, Elisabeth?"

I smiled and nodded my head, recognizing the voice. 

"Oh, look at you!" She exclaimed happily "My, haven't you blossomed into a vision of beauty" 

I blushed and looked down in embarrassment "Thank you... Mrs. Potts, it's nice to see you again" the cart rolled over to stop in front of me "Even under the circumstances" 

"I knew it was you moment you walked in, mademoiselle" the candelabra said as he jumped onto the chair and I recognized the voice. 

"Lumiere?" I asked. 

"At your service" he bowed his head. 

"I apologize for dropping you earlier" I told him while fiddling with a strand of my hair "It was purely an accident" 

"Oh, no apology needed" Lumiere said "I am quite durable" he tapped himself on the leg causing a clanking sound. 

I giggled before I heard panting and saw the clock struggling to keep up and hoped onto the chair with Lumiere. 

"Hello, Elisabeth" the clock greeted me between breaths.

"Coggsworth?" I asked, studying him closely. 

"In the flesh... so to speak" he answered "It's been a long time" 

"Indeed it has" I answered as I lowered myself onto the floor to be eye level with them "It's good to see all of you again"

"The feeling is mutual" Coggsworth said with his arms at his sides. 

"Hello, there" I heard a child's voice say as the tea cup slid over to me "I'm Chip" 

"Well, hello, Chip" I greeted him as I picked him up in my hand, being careful not to drop him. 

"You want to see me do a trick?" He asked as he blew into himself and caused a large bubble of tea before it popped. 

"Chip" Mrs. Potts warned. 

"Oh, sorry" Chip apologized sheepishly. 

"Don't be" I smiled at him "It's quite alright and that was a good trick" 

Chip giggled "Thank you, Miss Elisabeth" 

"Please, call me Elsie" I told him "All my friends do" 

"Very well, Miss Elsie" Chip said with a smile. 

"Well, aren't you polite" I said as I gently placed him back on the floor.     

"I can't believe how much has changed" I sighed as I looked over the people who I knew as a child and considered them my family who now looked completely different, but somehow were still the same. 

"So, are you going to be staying here with us, Miss Elsie?" Chip asked as he joined his mother back on the cart. 

"Yes, Chip I am" I answered him with a smile. 

"For how long?" he asked eagerly. 

"I'm not sure, but I will stay for as long as I need to" I told him and this seemed to make him happy as he smiled big. 

"Well, it's lovely to see you again, dearie" Mrs. Potts chimed in "And I must say, you have grown into a beautiful young woman" 

"Thank you" I blushed "My uncle says that I resemble my mother greatly and that I often remind him of her" 

"She would be proud of the woman you've grown up to be" Mrs. Potts said with a genuine smile. 

I felt tears prick my eyes when she said that, but I blinked them away and nodded my head in understanding "Thank you..." 

"Oh! I nearly forgot!" Lumiere suddenly said "We are designing a dress for you to wear at dinner with the master" 

"Oh, that's very kind of you Lumiere, but I don't want to be a bother" I told him "I think what I have on now is fine" 

"Nonsense, mon ami!" Lumiere stated "It is no trouble, I assure you. When it is ready, we will bring it to you" 

"Well, thank you very much" I told him with a smile "By the way, when is dinner?" 

Mrs. Potts chuckled "Dinner will be ready in a few hours, dearie" her cart began to roll back out the door "I'll come get you when it's time, now why don't you get some rest? You must be exhausted from your journey"

As if on cue, I yawn while covering my mouth "I suppose you're right" 

"We'll talk later, dearie" Mrs. Potts said as she, Coggsworth, Lumiere and Plumette left the room, the door closed behind them. 

I stood up from the floor and climbed onto the bed, practically collapsing onto it. I didn't realized how tired I was until I laid my head on the pillow and my eyes felt so heavy. I soon drifted off to sleep. 

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