Chapter Four: The Journey

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Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beast or any of it's characters. They belong to Disney

Enjoy :)

The sun slowly ascended into the sky over the mountain over-looking the village. The sky was decorated in colors of red, yellow and orange as the new day began. 

The sun shone into Elisabeth's cottage through her window as the sun rays hit her face. She groaned as she rubbed her eyes and sat up while stretching. She blinked her eyes open as she looked outside her window and a huge smile broke across her face. 

"It's finally morning" Elisabeth said happily as she tore her blankets off of her and rushed to wash herself up. 

She was excited for the day because today, she was finally going to go see Adam after all this time. Elisabeth decided it would be best to leave at day break since the castle is a half days ride from the castle so she figured she'd be there by mid-day. 

After she washed up, she changed into her favorite dress which was a dark blue and white dress that went down close to her ankles along with her brown cloak. She also put on the necklace Adam had given her, that way just in case he didn't recognize her he would know it's her with his mother's necklace.

Elisabeth had packed a few things in her satchel, such as the two books she borrowed from the library yesterday, some bread and butter, carrots and some fruit

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Elisabeth had packed a few things in her satchel, such as the two books she borrowed from the library yesterday, some bread and butter, carrots and some fruit. She had gone downstairs to tell her uncle that she was leaving. Elisabeth walked into her uncle's room to see him just waking up.

"Uncle Phillip?" she asked as she approached him on the bed "I'm heading out now, I should be back some time tomorrow" 

"Very well, Elisabeth" her uncle said as he sat up in his bed "Have a good time and please, be careful" 

"I will uncle, I promise" she kissed him on the cheek "I love you" 

"I love you, too" her uncle smiled as she left the room "Be safe, my dear" he said to himself. 

Once she had fed Jacques and gave him water, Elisabeth saddled him up for their journey. Words couldn't describe how excited Elisabeth was to see Adam again, it's been so long since she's seen him and she wonders how much he's changed, if he had at all. 

Elisabeth's POV...

The ride through the village seemed to be a blur as Jacques trotted through the small town, but once we made it to the outskirts of the village, I urged Jacques into a gallop. The landscape beauty was breath taking, I had almost forgotten how beautiful it was. I took in every inch of the scenery as Jacques galloped through it. 

What seemed like ages, but it was really only a few hours, I came to a fork in the path. I brought Jacques to a stop as I looked between the two ways, trying to remember which way was the way to the castle. For some reason, my memory of the way is blurred. I don't understand why, when I was younger I had the path to the castle memorized, why am I now having trouble remembering?

After trying hard to remember for a few minutes, it then came back to me. It was the right path. I smiled to myself knowing that very soon I'm going to be seeing my best friend again. 

I steered Jacques towards the right path, but he stopped dead in his tracks before whinnying "What's wrong, boy?" I asked patting his neck. 

He then began to move nervously and nickered in fear "Easy, boy" I told him soothingly "Easy, it's alright" 

Soon enough he calmed down and I was able to steer him down the right path, though he still acted somewhat skittish. I figured because it was an area he was unfamiliar with, so it made him nervous. But I wouldn't let anything happen to him, I'll always keep him safe and calm. 

As we walked down the strangely eerie path, my thoughts drifted back to when my uncle and I first got Jacques. It was four years ago, my uncle had wanted to get a draft horse soon after he had purchased an acre of land in a part of Paris. He had a friend that was a draft horse breeder and he let my uncle and I take a look at some horses. There was one that stood out to me, a small and skinny dapple grey and white shire draft horse. My uncle wanted to get a chestnut Clydesdale mare, but then that same skinny horse walked over to me and placed his head on my shoulder, almost as if he was trying to hug me. 

It was then that I knew that he would be perfect for us. Yes, he was in poor condition, but it was nothing a little love, care and attention wouldn't fix. My uncle eventually gave in, seeing as how the two of us connected instantly. Several months after bringing Jacques home, he was happier and healthier. He had grown to be a strong and powerful horse, but he was happy and that the was the most important thing. 

Jacques and I always had a connection with each other, almost as if we could understand each other. He became a loyal and faithful friend, not only to me but to my uncle as well. He soon became a part of are family and we loved him very much. 

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a bitter coldness go through me. It was then that I noticed that it was snowing and a thing sheet of it had already covered the ground. 

"Snow? In the summer time?" I asked myself in confusion as I looked around "That's impossible" I then pulled hood of my cloak over my head as it started to get colder. 

"This is really strange, Jacques" I said as we continued down the snow covered path. 

Suddenly, Jacques stopped and began whinnying in fear "Whoa! Easy, boy" I tried to calm him down, but then the sound of growling made my blood run cold. 

I looked around and I could hear the sounds of growling all around me, only catching glimpses of something moving around above us. I let out a shaky breath as I saw a white figure come into view and I could clearly see it was a wolf. 

"Oh, God..." I said to myself as Jacques began to move around nervously before more wolves made themselves known. 

"Go, Jacques! Go!" I ushered him and he took off in a gallop down the path. 

I looked behind me to see the wolves chasing us not far behind. This is crazy! How are there wolves here? There never used to be. 

The cold stung my face as we raced down the path, trying to evade the wolves but they were practically biting at Jacques heels. In the distance, I saw something large covered in ice, as we got closer I realized that it was a gate. The castle! It's just up ahead. 

"Come on, Jacques! Just a little further" I encouraged him as he increased his pace to the point where I thought he was going to fly out from under me. 

As we approached the gate, it opened with a loud screech and we ran right through it. As soon as we were inside, the gate slammed shut behind us and the wolves skidded to a stop right in front of it. I brought Jacques to a stop as we both caught our breath. The wolves growled deeply at us before turning and running off. 

I let out a sigh of relief as I patted Jacques neck "Good job, boy" he whinnied lightly in response "You saved both of us" 

I then looked up at the huge castle that stood over us, in a somewhat intimidating way as the dark snow clouds gave it a mysterious aura. I need to find out what's going on here, something is defiantly wrong here. 

"Come on, Jacques" I ushered him into a walk "I have to find Adam and find out just what is going on here" 

We then slowly approached the enormous castle, completely unaware of what was waiting for us inside it. 

Let me hear your thoughts :)   

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