Chapter Nine: Memories

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Wow! I am on a roll lately :) Here's the next chapter!

Enjoy :)

Sixteen years ago...

12-year old Adam and 10-year old Elisabeth sadly stand by the queen's bed after she had passed away during the night from sickness. The room was dark save for a few candles surrounding the bed and the two children who were both equally distraught at the loss. While she may not have been her mother, Elisabeth had grown to see her as a second mother and loved her as one. Adam was the most heartbroken as tears fell from his eyes and held onto his deceased mother's hand. 

"Mother, please come back" the young prince begged "You promised you wouldn't leave me! Please, come back! Mother!"

Present day...


 Adam was having a fitful dream, reaching out for his mother, but awoke when he felt someone grab his hand. He opened his eyes to see Elisabeth sitting on his bed next to him with a warm smile on her face. 

"It's alright" she reassured him as she held his hand in hers "You were dreaming" she pressed her free hand over his forehead to check his temperature "My assumptions were right, you had caught a fever during the night, no doubt from the wolf bites" 

"How long... was I asleep?" Adam asked, coming out of his daze. 

"All night and most of the morning" Elisabeth answered him "It's early afternoon now. You're fever is breaking" 

Adam gave her a small smile before he reached up and grabbed her hand and gently moved it from his forehead "Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"Doing what?" Elisabeth asked.

"Being so kind to me" Adam answered "After I acted so cold towards you and the way I treated you, I'm half surprised you didn't leave me to be eaten by the wolves"

Elisabeth sighed "I will admit, you did act rather harsh and extremely rude" she brushed her hair out of her face "But that doesn't change the fact that you're my best friend and that I care about you very much"

Adam was touched by her words as he gave her a small smile "...Thank you" 

She returned the smile "Besides, Mrs. Potts had told of exactly what happened after I left and I now see that behind all your anger and bitterness, a lonely and sad heart hides. I also believe that the Adam I knew as a child is still in there somewhere and he just needs some help coming to the surface" she held his large hand in her small ones "And I am going to help you, I am not going to give up on you; not now, not ever" she then pressed a gentle kiss to his hand "I promise"

Adam smiled at her "Elisabeth, I wish to apologize"

"For what?" she asked. 

"For the way I acted towards you" He answered her "The way I spoke to you, I was rash and cold"

"It's alright" Elisabeth told him "I understand"

"There is also something I need to confess. When I said that I stopped writing to you because I had wanted to, I was only being half honest" Elisabeth looked at him curiously as he continued "The truth is, I stopped writing to you long before I became this beast because I was a monster before the curse was placed on me. I did not write to you anymore because I did not want you to know the kind of monster I had become before I was the beast. I am sorry and I hope you can forgive me for being so selfish and cold hearted" 

Elisabeth smiled at him warmly "I already have" she held his hand closer to her face and pressed another gentle kiss to it "...Since your fever is down, I suggest that you take it easy today and try not to over-exert yourself" she then sat up and placed his hand back on his chest "If you need me, I will be in the stables looking after Jacques" 

She then left the room, leaving Adam alone with Lumiere and the others who had hopeful and happy expressions on their faces. 

"It's obvious Elisabeth has not changed over the years" Mrs. Potts stated "she is still kind-hearted as ever. Don't you agree, sir?" 

"Yes..." Adam agreed as he placed a hand over his bandaged shoulder, remembering how she nursed his wounds "I've never felt this way about anyone before, I want to do something for her... but what?" 


Later that day... Phillip's POV...

I pulled out my pocket watch to see the time, it was now after twelve in the afternoon. Elisabeth should have been back home by now. I have been sitting in the kitchen of the cottage all afternoon waiting for her to return. I fear something may have happened to her. I know Elisabeth is a grown woman is fully capable of looking after herself, but she is still my niece and the only family I have left. I love her very much and couldn't bear the thought of something happening to her. I have to find her, I need to know that she is safe. 

I leave the kitchen table and grab my cloak and hat before dashing out the door. Thankfully I have an old friend here in Villeneuve and hopefully he will let me borrow his horse. I quickly make my way through town as his home is on the far end of town. I soon come upon his small farm house as I push the old gate open and walk past the chickens. I climb the stairs to his house and knock on the door repeatedly before I hear footsteps approaching the door. 

As the door opens, I see my old friend Maurice "Phillip! What a surprise!" He opens the door more to let me in "Come in, my friend" 

"It is good to see you again Maurice, but I only wish it was under better circumstances" I tell him as I take off my hat. 

"Well, what's wrong?" he asked me.

"It's my niece" I tell answer him "She had left yesterday to visit an old friend and said that she could be back this afternoon at the latest, but she hasn't and now I am worried for her" 

"I see" Maurice nods his head. 

"She took our only horse and I was hoping you would be so kind as to let me borrow yours so I may go look for her" I say to him. 

"Of course, my friend! Of course" Maurice says placing his hands on my shoulders. 

"Papa? Is everything alright?" I look to see a beautiful young lady enter the room. 

"Belle, this is my friend Phillip" Maurice introduces me "Phillip, this is my daughter, Belle"

"Bonjour, Mademoiselle" I greet her. 

"Bonjour" she says in return.

"Belle, could you please hitch up Phillipe? I need to take him out for a while" Maurice tells her. 

"Of course, papa" Bell nods her head "But, what's wrong?"

"My friend's niece here was supposed to return home today after visiting an old friend, but she never returned" Maurice explains to her. 

"Elisabeth?" she asks.

"Yes, that's my niece" I tell her "Have you seen or heard from her recently?" 

"I met her in the market the day before yesterday" she answers "She hasn't come home?" 

"I am afraid not" I tell her sadly. 

Belle nods her head "I'm coming with you"

"Oh, that is very kind of you, my dear but it will not be necessary" I tell her. 

"I want to come with you" Belle says in a serious tone "I may have only just met Elisabeth, but I could tell she is good and kind person and I wish to help her" 

I sigh knowing that she is right "Very well" 

Belle smiles as she leaves the room and Maurice turns towards me "Don't worry, old friend. We'll find her, now just wait here while we get everything ready" 

I nod my head as Maurice also leaves the room and I am left alone with my thoughts. I can only hope and pray that wherever Elisabeth is, she is safe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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