Chapter Five: Everything has Changed

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I am so so sorry that this took so long to put up. I've been dealing with some personal problems as well as working on other stories. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be up though.

I own nothing but my own character.  

Enjoy :)

Jacques walked slowly up to the castle which became much more intimidating the closer we got to it. I had an awful feeling in my stomach and I knew something wasn't right, but I just have to find Adam and figure out what is going on. 

Near the steps, I see a large tray of hay along with a bucket on the ground and a small light above it "Alright then" I said as I got down off of Jacques and led him over to the hay and water "Looks like you're all set, boy" I patted him on the neck as he began to eat the hay "I'll be back, stay here" 

I look up at the castle and swallow a lump that's formed in my throat. I take a deep breath before I ascend the stairs to the large doors and knock on them. With a loud groan, the doors opened and I stepped inside while looking around me, expecting to see someone. But there was no one. The doors then slammed shut behind me causing me to jump slightly "Hello?" I called out as I lowered my hood "Is anyone here? Mrs. Potts? Coggsworth? Adam?" 

I looked around, but the entire castle was dark except for a flickering fire in the study. If there's a fire, then someone must be here. 

"Hello?" I called again, my voice echoing throughout the castle. That's when I started to hear whispering. 

"Coggsworth, look" 

"I see, but be quiet"

"Is it who I think it is?" 

"Perhaps, now shh!" 

"Hello?" I whipped around to where I heard the voices "Is anyone there?" I walked over to the table where there was a candelabra and a clock. Strange, it sounded like the voices were coming from over here. 

Suddenly, I heard thumping upstairs and grabbed the candelabra as I headed up the stairs. My footsteps echoed on the marble steps as I continued to ascend them. I made it to the top of the stairs and looked around, unaware that a large figure was watching me from the next staircase. 

"Hello? Adam, are you here?" I called out, but received no answer. I then heard shuffling coming the next staircase and dashed up over to them. 

"Adam? Is that you?" I asked, but once again silence. 

I kept ascending the stairs when I noticed that much of the interior was falling apart and I could hear cracking coming the from the walls and steps. What happened to this place? It's looks as though a stampede has gone through it. 

As I got to the West Wing, I could see how dark and disheveled it was. I felt sad seeing the castle this way, I remember when I was a child that it was always so bright and full of life. Now, it's dark and almost dead quiet. 

I came to the doors of Adam's room and was about to knock on it, but my hand hovered for a moment. There was that feeling again in my stomach that something was very wrong, but I had to know what happened here. I knocked on the door three times before it opened by itself with a groan as I stepped inside. 

Aside from some candles, the room was mostly dark and almost menacing, everything was a mess. The curtains were shredded, furniture was destroyed, glass was scattered along the floor and the painting of Adam and his parents had claw marks over his face as well as his father's, but his mother was untouched. I ran my fingers along the claw marks, they looked... almost human. 

I walk around some more and come to dark area near the balcony. It was empty aside from a table that held a single red rose in a glass container. I took a few steps towards it when I heard growling from behind me. I stopped in my tracks as I felt breathing on my neck and turned around slowly. 

When I turned, my eyes went wide and I dropped the candelabra on the floor as my mouth fell open in shock. In front of me was a large beast covered in dark brown fur with horns atop his head and he wore a torn up cloak. His nostrils flared as he glared down at me with dark eyes and a growl rumbled in his throat. 

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He demanded in a deep voice as he towered over me. 

I swallowed hard as I gathered all my courage "M-My name is Elisabeth Broussard a-and I'm here to see my friend, Prince Adam" 

He stared at me for a few seconds, his stern look never changing "The Prince, is gone" he stated. 

"What? Gone? Gone where?" I asked confused. 

"He died many years ago" the beast said as he turned away from me and I felt my heart drop.

"What? No, he... he can't be" I stated "I don't believe you"

"Believe what you want" he growled as he began to walk away. 

"Wait! Please, wait a moment" I grabbed onto his wrist and I felt his body tense up before he turned to face me and snarled down at me. I released his wrist when I saw something familiar. A brown woven bracelet. Exactly like the one I gave Adam before I left. Could it be? I looked up at him and studied his face, his eyes. As I looked into his eyes and began to recognize them and I knew right away.

"...Adam?" I asked. 

He looked down at me with a conflicted expression on his face, as if he was unsure of how to respond. 

"It's really you, isn't it?" I asked as I looked him up and down. 

He was silent for a few moments before he finally spoke "...You kept your promise. You did come back" 

I smiled slightly at him "I told you I would" 

"Hm..." he sighed as turned back to face me again. 

"What happened? Where is everyone?" I asked him. 

"They're around" He stated simply as he walked past me "They saw you, they've been watching you" he walked over to the rose and stood in front of it. 

"Adam... what happened here? Please tell me" I begged as I walked over to him, stopping just by the small set of stairs.   

He sighed as he stared intently at the rose "It's a curse... a curse I brought on myself and everyone here paid the price for it" 

I looked sadly at him "I'm so sorry... how did it happen?" 

"An... enchantress" he closed his eyes and lowered his head "She placed the curse on me because... because I was heartless and selfish" 

"Heartless and selfish? That's not the Adam I know" I said taking a step closer to him "The Adam I knew was the sweetest person in the world and-" I was then cut off midsentence. 

"Well, he's gone!" Adam shouted at me causing to jump back a bit "That Adam is gone... thanks to my father" he mumbled the last part, but I heard him clearly. I felt terrible for him, that this had happened. 

"I'm so sorry, Adam" I said as took a few steps closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me with a hardness in his eyes as he was panting. 

"I don't want your pity" He grumbled as he looked away from me "This is my fault and mine alone" 

I took a deep breath "Adam, do you remember that promise I made you before I left all those years ago?" 

He looked at me, but said nothing "I promised you that you would always be my best friend, no matter what happens and I intend to keep that promise" 

I placed my other hand over his larger one and smiled softly at him. 

He looked at my hand before looking back at me, almost surprised that I had done that. His face softened and a crack of a smile could be seen. I ran my thumb gently over his fur to reassure him that I'll be here for him. Always.  

Let me hear your thoughts :)

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